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Articles for product: Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1

Article ID Article Title Hidden
823076 FIX: Shared folders that are shared off a permanent drive are not restored after you upgrade the operating system
823079 TN5250 Service Terminates While the Service Tries to Get a Spin Lock
823983 FIX: An application fault occurs in Tagen.dll when the CoCreateInstance function is invoked in Host Integration Server
824634 FIX: COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) nested UDTs with ODOs may not send all data to the host
825228 BUG: The APPC DEACTIVATE_SESSION verb does not succeed and an AP_INVALID_SESSION_ID return code is returned
826438 FIX: Multiple LU1 Print Sessions Cause Event ID 12 When the SNA Print Service Is Under Stress
827253 FIX: The APPC RECEIVE_ALLOCATE Timeout Works Only in One-Second Intervals
827802 FIX: COMTI character conversion of DBCS SPACE characters may not work in Host Integration Server 2000
828360 COMTI Pooled Components Do Not Always Activate on Startup
828663 Host Integration Server Permits Embedded Null Characters to Be Returned in String Parameters
829016 FIX: You receive an "Unexpected data length for the fixed-length column '[DB2OLEDB] .COLUMN'" error message when you use the Host Integration Server 2000 DB2OLEDB driver
829193 FIX: You receive an application fault in Windows Management Instrumentation
829199 FIX: COMTI components that are configured for object pooling may cause 100% CPU usage
829980 An invokable transaction program (TP) is not available after you restart Host Integration Server 2000
830301 FIX: OLE DB Provider for DB2 does not create packages when a stored procedure is called
830884 An SLI application unexpectedly closes a session because the SLI_CLOSE verb is used incorrectly
831008 FIX: Sessions are not correctly balanced and BINDs are rejected when multiple local APPC LUs are in pool with a CPIC application to multiple CICS regions
831893 BUG: The Host Integration Server Management Console snap-in does not start
832482 You receive error 1706 while you install Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1
832573 A handle leak may occur in the Windows Management Instrumentation provider after you apply Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1
833636 You receive a LUA_REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING error message after an SLI_SEND verb command is issued to send an SNA command
833640 FIX: Table fields may be created as null when you use the OLE DB Provider for DB2 (DB2OLEDB) in Host Integration Server 2000 against SQL Server
833798 The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client is updated to include additional configuration options
833832 The Snaprint.exe program quits when you stop or start 5250 print sessions
833834 BUG: You receive an application fault in the ppd3270!IOCPWorkRoutine in Host Integration Server 2000
834300 AUTO_ENTER fields are not correctly handled by the 5250 Client in Host Integration Server 2000
836504 An SNA application may start very slowly on a Host Integration Server 2000 End-User Client
836837 Configuration options for print server transparency
838003 A Dllhost.exe process may stop responding when it is associated with a package that contains a COM Transaction Integrator component
838411 FIX: The SNA LU6.2 Resync TP service incorrectly logs event 134 errors for orphaned Remote APPC LUs
838558 FIX: Host Integration Server 2000 logs an "Event 5149" error message every 6 minutes
839038 FIX: New features are available for security credentials and host access in the COM Transaction Integrator for Host Integration Server 2000
839148 FIX: An access violation occurs in the snpugetc function when the SNA Server service receives a truncated BIND +RSP message
839197 The SNABase Service continuously generates event 561 errors
840580 FIX: The Dlsstat.exe utility does not show all active connections in Host Integration Server 2000
840636 FIX: Parallel printing to Graphics Device Interface (GDI) may cause corrupted output or you may receive an error message
841063 TN3270E emulator may stop responding when you log off a mainframe application
841386 FIX: The COM Transaction Integrator leaks memory when it handles NULL output strings
842650 FIX: You receive an "unexpected data length" error message when you try a join in the Host Integration Server 2000 OLE DB Provider for D2
842802 FIX: The Dllhost.exe process may stop responding intermittently when you use the COM Transaction Integrator in Host Integration Server 2000
843544 FIX: BIND requests fail with an Event 18 "Sense Data = 083B0001" error message in Host Integration Server 2000, Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1, and Host Integration Server 2004
872770 FIX: The Host Integration Server 2000 OLE DB Provider may end the SQL Server process if it cannot find memory to allocate
875532 FIX: You may run out of memory when you run the Host Integration Server OLE DB Provider for DB2 from inside Microsoft SQL Server
875546 FIX: You receive an "Event 60" in the application event log after you restart a server that is running Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1 in a multiple-server Host Integration Server subdomain
875549 FIX: COM Transaction Integrator now includes the Allocate operation time in the timeout setting in Host Integration Server 2000
884023 The Host Integration Server Host Print service may not process the end of LU1 print jobs correctly when the print sessions use a print filter DLL
884550 FIX: APPC and Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C) applications may stop responding if the SNA Server service becomes unavailable
884563 FIX: Deleting a Workstation record may cause the removal of LU assignments from other Workstation records in Host Integration Server
884572 FIX: You receive an "Error occurred when converting character parameter" error messages after a COMTI method call runs successfully in Host Integration Server 2000
885429 FIX: SNA Manager does not display the correct remote APPC LU session status if you update the SNA Manager MMC snap-in after APPC sessions are re-established in Host Integration Server