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FIX: New features are available for security credentials and host access in the COM Transaction Integrator for Host Integration Server 2000

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The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) Transaction Integrator (COMTI) is used to access programs on mainframe systems. This hotfix adds features to the COMTI in Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 that do the following:
  • The Microsoft Windows client program can now control the security credentials that it sends to the host system and does not have to use the COMTI Explicit Security Callback feature.
  • The Windows client program can select another remote environment (RE) without using the COMTI SelectionHint method call.
These new features have better performance and are compatible with the COMTI that is in Host Integration Server 2004. For more information about how to use these new features, see the "More Information" section.

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More information

Service pack information

This feature is available in the latest service pack for Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
328152� How to obtain the latest service pack for Host Integration Server 2000

Hotfix information

The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date         Time   Version    Size     File name
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   37,136  Capture.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  323,856  Cedrmsgs.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   33,040  Comticontext.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   28,944  Comtiperf.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  147,728  Convert.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   74,000  Convertprim.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   33,040  Dpl1.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  823,568  Dtcob390.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  311,568  Mobase.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   37,136  Playback.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   78,096  Readlib.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  123,152  Tadtlb.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  119,056  Tagen.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   82,192  Tranlu62.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  114,960  Trantcp.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12   49,424  Turnaround.dll
   01-Sep-2004  19:12  950,272  Componentbuilder.exe
   29-Mar-2003  01:15             838,423  Comticb.chm
   29-Mar-2003  01:15             812,988  Resnapin.chm

Note Because of file dependencies, the most recent fix that contains these files may also contain additional files.
Information for the security credentials, the remote environment name, or both, is passed to the COMTI runtime by using an optional parameter. This parameter contains an array of data with the following predefined, case-sensitive keywords:
  • REOverride
To enable this new feature, install the hotfix. Then, save the COMTI type library by using the COMTI Component Builder. After you install the COMTI type library into a Microsoft COM+ application package, enable the new features in the client program. For additional information, see the code sample in this section. You can use the following methods to work with the array of data that is passed to the COMTI method:
  • The ClearAllContext method
  • The CountContext method
  • The DeleteContext method
  • The QueryContextInfo method
  • The ReadContext method
  • The WriteContext method
Note This code sample is in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. The code demonstrates how to use the WriteContext method to provide security credentials and a remote environment name.

In your Visual Basic .NET project, add a COM reference to the COMTI type library and to the following file:
Program Files\Host Integration Server\System\Comticontext.dll
In the Visual Basic .NET project, use the following code sample.
 'Create an instance of the COMTI component.
        Dim objCOMTI As New Context.Test

        'Create an instance of the new Context feature.
        Dim objCntx As New COMTICONTEXTLib.ContextObject

        'Create an array to write the Context data to.
        Dim ContextArray() As Object

        'Create the variables for the data parameters for the method call. 
        Dim sInfo As String = "Info for host"
        Dim dBalance As Decimal = 0.0

        'Write the context values to the context array.
        'In this sample, you must have a remote environment (RE) that is named AltREName.  
        'This RE is defined in the COMTI Manager and is case sensitive.
        objCntx.WriteContext("REOverride", "AltREName", ContextArray)

        'The following calls will cause UUUUUUUU to be sent as the userid and
        'PPPPPPPP to be sent as the password to the host when the method is called.
        objCntx.WriteContext("USERID", "UUUUUUUU", ContextArray)
        objCntx.WriteContext("PASSWORD", "PPPPPPPP", ContextArray)

        'Make the COMTI method call or calls. 
        '      The last parameter is the Context Array.
        objCOMTI.MakeCall(sInfo, dBalance, ContextArray)

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Keywords: KB839038, kbhotfixserver, kbqfe, kbinfo, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 839038
Revision : 4
Created on : 6/5/2006
Published on : 6/5/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 319