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Articles for product: Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1

Article ID Article Title Hidden
885430 FIX: The ODBC driver for DB2 tries to use the default User ID even if you change the User ID in the Logon dialog box, and the logon fails in Host Integration Server 2000
885431 A Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C) or APPC application may stop unexpectedly with the secondary return code AP_BAD_TP_ID in Host Integration Server 2000
886666 FIX: Host print sessions may stop responding (hang) when the Request Definite Response option is enabled in Host Integration Server
887177 FIX: The Dlc.sys driver does not receive frames that are larger than 100 bytes when you use an Ethernet adaptor that uses the Realtek 8139 chipset in Host Integration Server 2000
887191 FIX: You may receive error messages when you try to filter an ADO recordset that has an AS/400 keyed physical file in Host Integration Server 2000 and in Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1
888103 FIX: A memory leak may occur in the Dllhost.exe process when you use the COMTI Context Array in Host Integration Server 2000
890641 FIX: SCS control codes for PPM may not be correctly read in Host Integration Server 2000 and in Host Integration Server 2004
895255 You receive an error message from a C# application that uses the Microsoft OLE DB provider for DB2 in Host Integration Server 2000 SP1 after you upgrade to IBM AS/400 V5R3
895256 FIX: A process that hosts a COMTI component may terminate unexpectedly after Event 102 messages are written to the Event log in Host Integration Server 2000
898539 BUG: You cannot sort some information by using the column headings in the SNA Manager MMC snap-in in Host Integration Server 2004 and in Host Integration Server 2000
902293 You receive an
905396 Users may not be able to print 3270 print jobs through the SNA Print service in Host Integration Server
909446 FIX: The SNA Host Account Cache service and the SNA WinNT Account Synchronization service may not start automatically when you restart a domain controller that is running Windows Server 2003
916137 FIX: The Wmiprvse.exe process may terminate unexpectedly on a primary Host Integration Server 2000 server or on a primary Host Integration Server 2004 server
921494 How to install and uninstall a Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 hotfix silently
921495 Error message when you call a stored procedure to obtain output parameter data using the Host Integration Server (HIS) 2000 ODBC Driver for DB2 or HIS 2004 ODBC Driver for DB2:"(0x80040E5D) [Microsoft][ODBC DB2 Driver] Invalid attribute/option identifier"