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The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client is updated to include additional configuration options

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The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client has been updated to support the additional configuration options that are supported by the Host Integration Server 2000 End User client.

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More information

The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client was designed so that all configuration settings are configured and maintained by a Host Integration Server 2000 administrator. The administrator configures the settings for the Web client by modifying the appropriate .htm file that will be used by the end users. For more information about the Web client installation and configuration, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
279003� Understanding and configuring the SNA Server/HIS 2000 Web Client
The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client supports only a subset of the configuration options that are supported by the Host Integration Server 2000 End User client. Some of the configuration options that are not provided in the Host Integration Server 2000 Web client are required in certain environments.

For example, users who connect to Host Integration Server 2000 servers by means of the Internet or across firewalls may have to supply user credentials that are different from the user credentials that they used to log on. You cannot use different credentials with the Host Integration Server 2000 Web client.

The Host Integration Server 2000 Web client has been updated to support the following configuration options that are supported by the Host Integration Server 2000 End User client:
  • Use Windows domain password
  • Update SNA Server computer list dynamically
  • Select an SNA Service computer in random order
  • Accept backup SNA Service computer lists
Each of these configuration options correspond to settings that are contained in the various Web client .htm files (such as the 3270Full.htm file) that are used to configure the Host Integration Server 2000 Web client.

Configuration options and settings

The following information explains the configuration options and their valid settings.

Use Windows domain password

Collapse this tableExpand this table
snactrl.SetLogonDomain Domain name
snactrl.SetSecurityVersion 210 � To enable logon dialog
211 � To disable logon dialog and use logged on credentials

Update SNA Server computer list dynamically

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snactrl.SetAcceptSponsorsListUpdate YES

Select an SNA Service computer in random order

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snactrl.SetRandomSponsor 0 - Disable
1 - Enable

Accept backup SNA Service computer lists

Collapse this tableExpand this table
snactrl.SetAcceptBackupInfo YES
snactrl.SetBackupSponsors List of Host Integration Server 2000 server names; names are separated by spaces

Additional options for the 3270 client and the 5250 client

In addition to the configuration options that are listed earlier, the following options have been added to permit the 3270 client and the 5250 client to be configured to TN3270E mode and TN5250 mode, respectively.

3270 client

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snactrl.Set3270AddressName or TCP/IP address of the TN3270 Server
snactrl.Set3270PortTCP port that is used by the TN3270 server (23 is the default)
snactrl.Set3270ModelTN3270 model type (for example, IBM-3278-E)
snactrl.Set3270DeviceTN3270 device name

5250 client

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SnaAuto.Set5250AddressName or TCP/IP address of the TN5250 Server
SnaAuto.Set5250PortTCP port that is used by the TN5250 server (23 is the default)
SnaAuto.Set5250TerminalTypeTN5250 Terminal Type (for example, IBM-3179-2)
For more information about how to install and how to configure the Host Integration Server 2000 Web client, see the Web client documentation in the following folder on the Host Integration Server 2000 CD-ROM:
The Web client documentation, under the topic of "Installing the Web Client," indicates that you are to delete the following lines from the 3270Full.htm file and the 5250Full.htm file when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later versions:
  • Function RunApplet
  • End Function
Additionally, the instructions indicate that you are to delete the following Visual Basic Script (VBScript) lines from the Snaclnt.htm file when you use Internet Explorer 4.0 or later versions:
  • Function DisplayMessage
  • End Function
Note Do not remove these VBScript lines from the following files:
  • 3270Full.htm
  • 5250Full.htm
  • Snaclnt.htm

Service pack information

This feature is available in the latest service pack for Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
328152� How to obtain the latest service pack for Host Integration Server 2000

Hotfix information

The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date         Time         Size    File name
   22-Jan-2004  17:41         4,995  3270full.htm
   28-Jan-2004  22:05         5,131  5250full.htm
   05-Feb-2004  19:46         2,520  Snaclnt.htm
   23-Jan-2004  23:36       152,301
Note Because of file dependencies, the most recent fix that contains the previous files may also contain additional files.

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Keywords: KB833798, kbqfe, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 833798
Revision : 2
Created on : 7/14/2005
Published on : 7/14/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 322