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Articles for product: Windows Server 2008 Datacenter

Article ID Article Title Hidden
958655 Error message when you use Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 to install multiple MSI packages in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP: "API call rejected - No actions in Context"
958656 Client-side rendering in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Vista may decrease performance on Windows Server 2008-based terminal servers
958662 How to back up Hyper-V virtual machines from the parent partition on a Windows Server 2008-based computer by using Windows Server Backup
958663 How to move a virtual machine that is running on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 to a Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V environment
958664 Windows Server system software that is not supported in a Hyper-V virtual machine environment
958665 You do not receive an error message after you restore a Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V virtual machine
958667 Error message when you add a SCSI controller to a Windows 2000 SP4-based virtual machine in Hyper-V Manager on server that is running Windows Server 2008: "STOP c0000263"
958668 You cannot shutdown a locked Windows 2000 SP4 virtual machine in Hyper-V Manager on a server that is running Windows Server 2008
958669 Event ID 12 is logged in the System log when you back up or compact a Hyper-V virtual hard disk on a Windows Server 2008-based computer
958670 Error message when you try to install the certification authority role on a Windows Server 2008-based computer: "Cannot install Certification Authority"
958685 A Windows-based portable computer does not resume correctly if you close the lid while the computer is asleep
958686 Detection and deployment guidance for the October 14, 2008 security release
958687 MS09-001: Vulnerabilities in SMB could allow remote code execution
958690 MS09-006: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel could allow remote code execution
958702 When you copy large files between two Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008-based computers in a high bandwidth WAN network environment, the copy speed may be very slow
958705 Update for Windows Search 4.0, December 2008
958708 Some temp files that have a size of 0 bytes are not deleted automatically after you install or upgrade the printer driver on a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008-based computer
958741 Print jobs may have incorrect owners when you share a printer from a Windows Server 2008-based computer or from a Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based computer
958756 The customized properties for an .msi package installation are reset to their default values after you install Windows Installer 4.5
958796 LUN reset requests are not completed. and event ID 63 is logged on a Windows Vista-based computer that uses iSCSI Initiator to connect to an iSCSI target
958807 Windows Server 2008 Failover Clustering WMI provider does not correctly handle invalid characters in the private property names causing WMI queries to fail
958838 Changes that are made to security groups or to distribution groups are not replicated to destination domain controllers when you use link value replication in a Windows Server 2003 environment
958851 Issues occur when you hot-plug or hot-unplug an external PCI Express graphics device while a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 is asleep or hibernating
958860 Some unrecoverable hardware errors are not reported as expected on a computer that runs a 32-bit version of Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
958865 A Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 portable computer does not automatically re-enter sleep mode after you undock the computer when it is asleep
958867 You receive "Stop error code 0x00000050 (PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA)" or "Stop error code 0x0000000A (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL)" when you hot-replace memory on a Windows Server 2008-based computer
958868 Windows Server 2008 virtual machines stop responding during the restarting process when a third-party hypervisor solution is used
958894 The Printer Spooler service may encounter an access violation and crash when the service handles asynchronous notifications from print clients on Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based computers
958900 Error message when you try to unlock a Windows Vista-based or a Windows Server 2008-based computer that has the Fast User Switching feature disabled: "The password for this account has expired"
958901 The text filter function may not return any results in the Group Policy Management Editor window on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista SP1
958904 A hotfix is available that corrects a logic that is used to determine affinity masks on a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer that has more than 32 logical processors
958909 It takes a long time to log on to a Windows Vista-based computer that has antivirus software installed, and you notice that the size of the file is very large
958910 When you send a print job to an Internet Printer Protocol (IPP) print server from a Windows-based computer, the print job fails and never restarts
958912 A Windows Server 2008-based computer may stop responding when you use a Device Specific Module that plugs into MPIO
958914 Invalid data is written when you burn an ISO image onto a DVD+R Dual Layer disc on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
958932 You receive a Stop error message and the computer automatically restarts after you move IIS logs directory to a mount point on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista SP1-based computer: "0x0000007E"
958933 Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based systems do not generate a dump file if the system partition is a mirrored volume
958960 A Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer may stop responding during a storage stress test or under similar conditions
958970 A long delay occurs when you try to open a network share by entering a path in the Run box on a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer
958982 A Windows Server 2008-based computer may stop responding when a volume that has quotas configured on its root is mounted or unmounted
958983 Error message when you use the Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster Management console together with a Windows Server 2008 SP2-based failover cluster: "This feature is only supported with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise and Datacenter servers"
959041 An unexpected error may occur when you shutdown a Windows XP- or Windows Vista-based computer.
959052 The FQDN option does not appear in the Subject name format list in the Certificate Templates console
959056 Stop error message when a Windows Server 2008-based computer randomly restarts: "0x000000BE ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY"
959066 USMT fails to install on Windows Server
959069 On a Windows-based computer, NTFS alternate data streams are lost on a shared folder that has the Offline Files feature enabled
959077 Error message when you start the Windows Modules Installer service (TrustedInstaller): "System Error 126: The specific module could not be found"
959078 Domain local group from foreign domain can be added using "net localgroup" and GC search
959108 An update is available that disables the collection and transfer of Software Quality Metrics data by the Windows Portable Device (WPD) API
959114 Moving DFSR Migration to the ELIMINATED state logs a misleading wrong event regarding read only domain controller objects