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Articles for product: Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1

Article ID Article Title Hidden
327892 The UPDATE/DELETE Statement from SQL Linked Server Does Not Succeed on Special Characters
328152 How to obtain the latest service pack for Host Integration Server 2000
328156 List of bugs fixed in Host Integration Server 2000 service packs
328965 COMTI Type Library Files with Native Decimal Data Type Are Not Supported in Visual Basic Version 6
329252 Insert on DB2 linked table fails with "Invalid precision" error
329456 Host Integration Server with COMTI: Using Windows Server 2003 Exported Application Packages on Windows 2000
329588 Internal NetLib Error After Running ASP.NET Application
329818 Vague TCP/IP Socket Errors Are Returned for OLE DB2 Provider
329819 Print Server May Log Event 18 Errors After SP1 Installed on Host Integration Server 2000
330834 DB_E_BADTYPENAME Error with ADO and OLEDB2 Provider
331905 Emulators lose focus when restarted if SNAbase is running
810330 DB2OLEDB May Return Empty Recordsets Under Load
810393 ODBC Driver for DB2 May Cause an Access Violation in TakeQryBuff
810524 The 3270 client cannot list more than 10 LUs when using Active Directory
810856 No NMVT for Printer DDDLUs After Connection Outage
810956 FIX: A new feature in the COM Transaction Integrator gives the client program full control over a TRM request and lets the client program process the TRM reply
811315 Multiple LU3 Print Jobs Overwrite Each Other Causing Incorrect Output
811351 An APPC Application May AV in WAPPC32!continue_verb_processing
811352 SNA Print Tracing May Show Wrong Printer Name
811353 FIX: Windows NT Spooler service returns errors that are not valid to SNAPrint service
811858 Print Server Cannot Suppress NULL Print Lines in LU3 Print Jobs
811963 ODBC Driver for DB2 may cause "Index Already Exists" error
812402 FIX: A COMTI component generates an access violation when it receives unbounded recordsets in a Variant variable
812947 An LU3 print job may appear redirected to multiple printers
813321 DB2OLEDB INSERT and UPDATE Statements May Fail When There Are More Than 84 Columns
813325 Access violation in SNADLC!CopyMessageToDlcBuffers after you receive an error message on a blue screen
813646 Large Number of ACTIVATE_SESSION Verbs Causes SNA Server Service to Stop Responding
814124 How to Install MSDE 2000 Security Patch MS02-061 or SP3 with Host Integration Server 2000
814166 TN3270 does not allow more than 2000 sessions per user
815012 FIX: Data replicated into incorrect table in DB2
815308 FIX: SNA LU6.2 Resync service does not succeed when the Remote LU is unavailable
815359 SSO requests may not succeed because HAC database replication is delayed
816374 OLEDB for DB2 driver returns DBTYPE_DECIMAL even if precision is greater than 29
816836 3270 Client: The font color for normal protected fields is hard to read
817592 Memory leak in Host Integration Server 2000 DataQueue provider
817730 FIX: You receive an application fault in the mngbase!SetManageTerminating function in Host Integration Server 2000
818049 FIX: 5250 Client Displays ~ and } Incorrectly When Using Chinese Code Page
818192 Upgrades or New Installations of HIS Server May Not Set Correct Flags in COM and CFG
818622 FIX: Packages Are Not Created for Host Integration Server OLE DB Provider for DB2
819528 FIX: "SQLSTATE:07001 SQLCODE: -313" Error Message When Using tablename.* Syntax in a Parameterized Query
819759 BUG: Parameters That Are Larger Than 4095 Cause System.InvalidOperationException
819800 PRB: "Fatal Error" Message When Installing Host Integration Server 2000
820719 FIX: COMTI Returns NULL Characters Instead of a Zero Byte String
821988 Repeated errors from the Ole DB Provider for DB2 eventually cause a .NET System exception or a Win32 access violation (C0000005)
822205 Single Sign-On Is Not Successful While the Backup HAC Is Updating the Local Database
822376 COMTI Error 102 (2169) Includes Socket Error Information
822830 FIX: The TN3270E emulator stops responding after issuing a logoff command from a host application
822851 PRB: 3270 Single Sign-On is Unsuccessful If the Host Security Domain Is Not Created in the Local Subdomain
822886 DB2OLEDB Internal NetLib Error Occurs When You Use Multi-threaded .NET Application
822887 COMTI 102 (2169) Error May Occur if the CSM Message Is Split Across Two Frames