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COMTI Error 102 (2169) Includes Socket Error Information

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You may receive the following error message from COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) because of TCP/IP socket errors:

(102) COM Transaction Integrator reported the following exception to the client:

Component: IMS_OTMA.Cedarbank.1
Method: getaccts

Exception description: (2169) The TCP transport encountered an unexpected error when checking for special IMS Connect or OTMA segments. Segment type=CSM message, Transaction CEDRBANK. IP Address:, port: 5005.

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Service pack information

To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
328152� How to obtain the latest service pack for Host Integration Server 2000

Hotfix information

The English version of this fix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date         Time   Version            Size    File name
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          37,136  Capture.dll      
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         323,856  Cedrmsgs.dll     
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          33,040  Comticontext.dll  
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         147,728  Convert.dll      
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          74,000  Convertprim.dll  
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          33,040  Dpl1.dll         
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         823,568  Dtcob390.dll     
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          37,136  Playback.dll     
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          78,096  Readlib.dll      
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         123,152  Tadtlb.dll       
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         114,960  Tagen.dll        
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          82,192  Tranlu62.dll     
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         110,864  Trantcp.dll      
   04-Jun-2003  21:01          49,424  Turnaround.dll   
   04-Jun-2003  21:01         950,272  Componentbuilder.exe  
   29-Mar-2003  01:15                    838,423  Comticb.chm
   29-Mar-2003  01:15                    812,988  Resnapin.chm


Note Because of file dependencies, the most recent fix that contains these files may also contain additional files.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Host Integration Server 2000 and Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1). This problem was corrected in Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 2.

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More information

After the fix is applied, the COMTI 102 (2169) error will include additional text that indicates any socket error that may have occurred. The new error text is similar to the following:
(102) COM Transaction Integrator reported the following exception to the client:

Component: IMS_OTMA.Cedarbank.1
Method: getaccts

Exception description: (2169) The TCP transport encountered an unexpected error when checking for special IMS Connect or OTMA segments. Segment type=CSM message, Transaction CEDRBANK. IP Address:, port: 5005, Socket Error: 0.

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Keywords: KB822376, kbhotfixserver, kbqfe, kbfix, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 822376
Revision : 3
Created on : 10/26/2005
Published on : 10/26/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 394