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How to Install MSDE 2000 Security Patch MS02-061 or SP3 with Host Integration Server 2000

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This article describes how to install updates to SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000) to help protect against the Slammer worm when you are using Host Integration Server 2000. The version of MSDE 2000 that is included on the Host Integration Server 2000 CD-ROM is vulnerable to the W32.Slammer worm.

You need MSDE 2000 to install the SNA Host Account Cache service only when you use host security integration features that are included in Host Integration Server 2000.

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To help protect MSDE 2000 against the Slammer worm when you are using Host Integration Server 2000, use one of the following methods:
  • METHOD A: Install post-SP2 security patch MS02-061 on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE).
  • METHOD B: Install SP3 on MSDE 2000.
  • METHOD C: Run the SQL Critical Update utility to update the affected files.
  • METHOD D: Install MSDE 2000 SP3 (new install).

METHOD A: Install Post-SP2 Security Patch MS02-061 on MSDE 2000

To install security patch MS02-061 on SQL Server 2000, visit the following Microsoft Web site: You can use the following syntax to apply MSDE 2000 SP2 to the MSDE 2000 version that is included with Host Integration Server 2000:
setup /p /upgradesp SQLRUN INSTANCENAME=ms_hi_server_db

METHOD B: Install SP3 on MSDE 2000

To install SP3 on MSDE, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
  1. To update MSDE, download the Sql2kdesksp3.exe file.
  2. Extract Sql2kdesksp3.exe into a local folder.
  3. To set the SA password if the password is blank, use OSQL to run the stored proc sp_password. Use the following syntax to change the password at the OSQL command prompt:
    exec sp_password @old=NULL, @new='new complex password', @loginname='sa'
    After you enter this command, run the go command to submit the change password stored procedure.
  4. At a command prompt, run the following command:
    setup.exe /upgradesp SQLRUN INSTANCENAME=MS_HI_Server_DB

METHOD C: Run the SQL Critical Update Utility

To obtain the SQL Critical Update utility, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

METHOD D: Install MSDE 2000 SP3

You can use MSDE 2000 SP3 for new installations of MSDE 2000 without having to first install a vulnerable version of MSDE 2000. You can use the following syntax for new installations of MSDE 2000 SP3 that you will use with Host Integration Server 2000:
  1. Download Sql2kdesksp3.exe.
  2. Extract Sql2kdesksp3.exe into a local folder.
  3. At a command prompt, run the following command:
    setup [TARGETDIR="<path>"] [DATADIR="<path>" ] INSTANCENAME="MS_HI_Server_DB" SAPWD=<SA password>
After you update MSDE 2000, you may have to stop and restart the following Host Integration Server 2000 host security services:
  • SNA Host Account Cache service
  • SNA WinNT Account Synchronization service

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Keywords: KB814124, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 814124
Revision : 9
Created on : 11/7/2007
Published on : 11/7/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 412