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Host Integration Server with COMTI: Using Windows Server 2003 Exported Application Packages on Windows 2000

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This article was previously published under Q329456

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When you export Windows Server 2003 Application Packages that contain either COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) type libraries or the COMTI Security Callback component, and if you plan to install the exported package on Windows 2000, you must select the Save application in COM+ 1.0 format check box.

On Windows Server 2003, the Save application in COM+ 1.0 format check box appears on page 1 of the COM+ Application Wizard, below the options to select either Server application or Application proxy.

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More information

On Windows 2000, after you run the exported Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) file, errors are logged in the Application Event Log. No error message is displayed to indicate that the installation failed.

To create a Server application or an Application proxy on Windows Server 2003 that will install on Windows 2000, you must export the Application Package from the Windows Server 2003 and you must select the Save application in COM+ 1.0 format check box.

Server Application Errors

If you try to install an exported Server Application and you do not select the Save application in COM+ 1.0 format check box, you receive the following errors in the Application Event Log:
Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	COMTI Admin
Event Category:	Registrar
Event ID:	2702

(2702) The COM Transaction Integrator Component Registrar reported the following exception:

 Component CLSID:  {73759968-C1F9-4D65-A377-A7034619B670}

 Exception description:
  (2820) Attempt to uninstall TIC information for
'TCP_MSLINK' failed with exception '0x80070002'.

   The Component Registrar failed in handling a request to delete a COM
COM Transaction Integrator component.  The request failed because important
information about the component is missing or inaccessible in either the
registry or the component library.  Although the component has been
deleted, one or more registry entries describing the component may remain.

   Typically, this exception arises because the component library has been
deleted or moved in the NT file system.  If the component library can be
found, start the COMTI Manager and reinstall the component. Repeat the
delete component operation to ensure proper clean up.
   If the delete component operation continues to fail, contact support for
instructions on removing remaining registry entries. 

Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	MsiInstaller
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	11928

Product: A COMTI Test Server -- Error 1928. Error registering COM+
Application.  Contact your support personnel for more information.

Event Type:	Information
Event Source:	MsiInstaller
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	11708

Product: A COMTI Test Server -- Installation operation failed.

Application Proxy Errors

If you try to install an exported Application proxy and you do not select the Save application in COM+ 1.0 format check box, you receive the following errors in the Application Event Log:
Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	MsiInstaller
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	11928

Product: A COMTI Test Proxy (Application Proxy) -- Error 1928. Error
registering COM+ Application.  Contact your support personnel for more

Event Type:	Information
Event Source:	MsiInstaller
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	11708

Product: A COMTI Test Proxy (Application Proxy) -- Installation operation

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Keywords: KB329456, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 329456
Revision : 4
Created on : 4/27/2005
Published on : 4/27/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 355