Event Type: Error
Event Source: SNA Server
Event Category: None
Event ID: 102
(BC6) Internal Error
X'0B02' A dynamic storage allocation request has failed.
X'0BC1' Buffer header pointer is corrupted.
X'0BC3' Corruption of internal free buffer pool.
X'0BC5' Free ready pool is empty.
X'0BC6' Free active pool is empty.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: SNA Server
Event Category: None
Event ID: 624
Creating dump file C:\Program Files\Host Integration Server\traces\snadump.log for snaservr.exe
A process (value) ended abnormally due to a protection violation or internal unrecoverable error condition. Diagnostic information about this has been automatically created by Host Integration Server 2000. If a serious error is logged at the same time as the Event 624, then this likely was the cause of this Event 624.