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Print Server May Log Event 18 Errors After SP1 Installed on Host Integration Server 2000

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This article was previously published under Q329819

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After you install Host Integration Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1), the following errors may be logged in the Application Event log:
Event ID: 18
Source: SNA Print Server
Description: Host CodePage specified for the print session is not installed on the system.

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During the installation of Host Integration Server 2000 SP1, the National Language Support (NLS) Code Page registry parameter may be removed. The removal of these registry parameters cause the event 18 errors to be logged when host print sessions are activated.

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To work around this problem, follow these steps:
  1. Save the following NLS Code Page registry key on a similar system:
    Restore the registry key on the system that is experiencing the problem.
  2. Restore the registry key on the system that is experiencing the problem.
For additional information about how to save and restore registry parameters on Windows 2000 (and for links to articles about how to do this on other operating systems), click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322755� HOW TO: Backup, Restore, and Edit the Registry in Windows 2000

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 SP1.

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More information

You may receive the error listed in "Symptoms" if you follow the steps in this scenario:
  1. Install Host Integration Server 2000 SP1.
  2. Microsoft Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe) detects an error during the installation process and stops the installation of SP1.
  3. Try again to install Host Integration Server 2000 SP1.
The error that Windows Installer detects during the first attempt to install SP1 may occur when Windows Installer cannot stop the SNA services (that is, SNA Server service and SnaBase service) that are running on the Host Integration Server 2000 system. This also includes any third-party or customer written services that are dependent on the installed SNA services.

During the initial installation of Host Integration Server 2000 SP1, Windows Installer may experience an error that results in the NLS Code Page registry parameters being removed, and the following error may appear in the System Event Log:
Event ID: 7031
Source: Service Control Manager
Description: The Windows Installer service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

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Keywords: KB329819, kbnofix, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 329819
Revision : 2
Created on : 3/11/2005
Published on : 3/11/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 327