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Articles for product: BizTalk Server 2004 Enterprise Edition

Article ID Article Title Hidden
811250 FIX: You experience high CPU utilization and no timeout exception when using a timed scope in orchestration
813845 BizTalk Server 2004 rechaza recibos confiables desde BizTalk Server 2000 y desde BizTalk Server 2002
814041 BizTalk Server may fail persisting state to the database and may end the orchestration instance
821934 FIX: BizTalk Server 2004 rejects BTF receipts in Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) + X time zones
831307 FIX: You cannot use content-based routing with a solicit-response port in BizTalk Server
834624 A list of known issues in BizTalk Server 2004
835295 TechNet Support WebCast: BizTalk Message Queuing in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004
835862 SQL Server log on fails when you run a BizTalk Server Orchestration that contains rules
835865 Schema field promotion changes do not take effect until the BizTalk Server Application Service is restarted
835866 You apply a value for the retry count or the retry interval of the BizTalk Server MSMQT adapter, and the value does not appear to work in BizTalk Server 2004
835867 You may receive a Web services error message after you deploy a BizTalk Server 2004 project to additional Web servers
835870 Party Resolution does not succeed if BizTalk Server and SQL Server are installed on different computers in a Workgroup environment
836022 You receive a "caller must have BTS_ADMIN or DB_OWNER rights" error message when you try to change the Authentication trusted setting for a BizTalk host
836119 You receive an "�Activeview.columnaxis� is null or not an object" error message when you use Health and Activity Tracking in BizTalk Server 2006 and in BizTalk Server 2004
836461 You receive an "An error occurred while creating the Single Sign-On (SSO) database" error message when you run the BizTalk Server 2004 Configuration Wizard
836462 "Cannot create the active directory or DNS" error message in the Configuration Wizard when you try to integrate BizTalk Server 2004 with Active Directory
836479 Authentication types that are available for the SOAP port in partner profiles in BizTalk Server 2004
837168 List of fixes that are included in BizTalk Server 2004 Rollup Package 1
837441 FIX: The BizTalk Server 2004 HTTP Adapter does not support setting HTTP headers on response from the server
837725 Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 ???????????? ????? 1????????
837859 You receive a "There is an error in XML document (1,3)" error message when you click the Queries menu in the BizTalk Server 2004 HAT tool
837860 You cannot use a pass-through pipeline to receive a file in an orchestration in BizTalk Server
838166 You must install the SQL Server 2000 update that KB article 831950 describes to run BizTalk Server 2004
838221 FIX: You receive an "unhandled exception" error message in the event log when you use the flat file parser in BizTalk Server 2004
838225 CORRECTIF : vous rencontrez ralentissement des performances lorsque cartes grands contiennent plusieurs functoids logiques dans BizTalk Server 2004
838226 FIX: You experience slow performance when you use the CrossReference APIs in BizTalk Server 2004
838441 REVISI�N: mensaje de error "un servicio o propiedad s�lo se puede tener acceso en el servicio actual" cuando una orquestaci�n hace referencia a otra orquestaci�n en el mismo proyecto en BizTalk Server 2004
838454 FIX: You cannot access information about messages in the MessageBox database or track messages in your archives in BizTalk Server 2004
838469 You receive a "Compile error in hidden module: ConnectionInfo" error message when you open the Business Activity Monitoring workbook in Excel 2000 or Excel 97
838535 FIX: The HTTP adapter fails when you try to send large messages in BizTalk Server 2004
838572 CORRECTIF : le xsl : for-each instruction est plac�e le champ parent du champ enfant du sch�ma de destination dans BizTalk Server 2004
838763 FIX: The Database Lookup functoid/Value Extractor functoid produces inconsistent results
838795 FIX: Element references do not resolve in BizTalk Server 2004
838836 Propri�t�s de port d'envoi HTTP ne remplacent pas les propri�t�s de carte HTTP dans BizTalk Server 2004
838963 REVISI�N: S�lo el primer comando FTP se ejecuta cuando especifique varios comandos FTP en la propiedad "Despu�s de colocar" de un FTP controlador de env�o de BizTalk Server 2004
838977 REVISI�N: Se recibe un mensaje de error cuando usa la API de MSBTS_DeploymentService WMI para implementar grandes los ensamblados de BizTalk Server 2004
838991 REVISI�N: Vuelve reglas pueden no ser evaluar correctamente cuando utiliza la funci�n de hechos de la actualizaci�n en BizTalk Server 2004
839186 You may receive a "Failed to load configuration data for feature: RulesEngine" error message when you run the configframework.exe command to configure BizTalk Server 2004
839187 You receive an "A Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator problem prevented connection to the Configuration database" error message when you publish assemblies from BizTalk Server 2004
839336 REVISI�N: BizTalk Server 2002 rechaza recibos confiables a trav�s de HTTP desde BizTalk Server 2006 o desde BizTalk Server 2004
839440 FIX: A BizTalk Server project may stop responding when you add schemas and the schemas are opened in Visual Studio .NET
839450 FIX: Many Csc.exe processes may be running on a computer that is running BizTalk Server 2004
839524 FIX: The BizTalk Server 2004 Business Rule Engine may use incorrect values when it evaluates a rule
839626 BUG: The "Backup BizTalk Server" SQL job fails with an error because the adm_OtherBackupDatabases table is not created
839663 You cannot disable HTTP chunked encoding in BizTalk Server
839723 FIX: ConfigFramework.exe fails while granting access to the Single Sign-On Database in BizTalk Server 2004
839790 FIX: The SQL Adapter may fail in BizTalk Server 2004 when no white space is in the <sync> block of an updategram
839818 CORRECTIF : le travail Backup BizTalk Server SQL rapports r�ussite lorsque la sauvegarde a �chou� dans BizTalk Server 2004
840008 FIX: You cannot access the headers and the body of an HTTP failure response in a SOAPException exception
840113 FIX: The BizTalk Server EDI Adapter only supports a limited set of document types in BizTalk Server 2004