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Articles for product: Windows Vista Enterprise

Article ID Article Title Hidden
957201 A hotfix is available to update the "(GMT-3:00) Brasilia" time zone and the "(GMT-4:00) Manaus" time zone for 2008 through 2009 in Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
957295 System memory is quickly exhausted when you run a custom application that uses the SetICMMode function on a Windows Vista-based or on a Windows Server 2008-based computer
957321 An update to add support to the XMP specification for complex data types in the Windows Imaging Component
957388 December 2008 Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 Application Compatibility Update
957389 When you run an SUA application that prints log messages from the system logger daemon, ISO 8859 characters are printed incorrectly on Windows Server 2003 R2-based, Windows Vista-based, and Windows Server 2008-based computers
957390 A hotfix is available for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications users to incorporate DST changes in Pakistan and in Morocco in 2008
957405 An access violation occurs during system startup when the pen service (Wisptis.exe) is configured on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
957414 Event Viewer crashes when you open a large event log file and sort log entries by one column on a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer
957424 A user name that contains Unicode characters is not handled correctly in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 during EAP authentication
957441 Client connections return a "STATUS_INVALID_PARAM" error code when you use a "Send NTLMv2 response only" authentication level in Windows Server 2008 or in Windows Vista
957463 Stop error on a Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer that has an integrated graphics adapter and a discrete graphics adapter: "Stop error code 0x00000018 (REFERENCE_BY_POINTER)"
957473 A scheduled task is suspended unexpectedly, and the operating system resumes sleep when you select the "Wake the computer to run this task" option in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008
957486 Detection and deployment guidance for the September 9, 2008 security release
957493 The WSD scanner submission that runs the Windows Logo Program testing may fail on a Windows Vista-based and Windows Server 2008-based computer
957508 An update is available that provides improved features for the Request Filtering module in IIS 7.0
957517 A dedicated complete memory dump file may not be successfully generated if the volume that stores the dedicated dump file has insufficient free space
957523 Error message when you resume a Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer from hibernation: "Windows Failed to Start"
957535 Error message on a computer that is running Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or Windows Server 2008: "Stop 0x00000024"
957579 Post-installation behavior on client computers after you install the DNS update
957624 A Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer behind a NAT device cannot communicate with another computer through an IPsec tunnel-mode connection
957653 Windows Search may fail if you search a network folder from the toolbar in the Windows Explorer while offline on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
957656 Error message when you log on to a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer that has the "Allow user name hint" Group Policy setting enabled: "The specified username is invalid"
957662 Recommended settings for event log sizes in Windows
957719 USB devices may not function correctly after a computer that is running Windows Vista SP1 or Windows Server 2008 resumes from hibernation
957759 When you restart a computer that is running 32-bit version of Windows Vista or of Windows Server 2008, the system stops responding
957772 Error message when you access a share that you pinned by using Always Available Offline: "Access is denied"
957796 A hotfix that addresses changes to daylight saving time in 2008 is available for Windows Services for UNIX and for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications
957802 The "Slow network connection time-out for user profiles" Group Policy setting does not work for a Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based or a Windows Server 2008-based client computer
957924 Description of the cumulative update rollup for the Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 Runtime Extended Files
957931 A Windows XP-based, Windows Vista-based, or Windows Server 2008-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
957933 A delay occurs when you try to reconnect to the network on a Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer that is a member of a domain
958018 Message when you select the Power saver power option during a Digital Rights Management (DRM) test in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008: "Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format (S/PDIF) Support"
958069 Stop error when you start a Windows Vista-based computer even though hotfix 946084 is installed on the computer: "0x0000C1F5"
958092 After the Terminal Services mirror driver is disconnected from a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based remote computer, you receive a Stop error on the remote computer: "Stop 0x0000007E SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED"
958103 No progress bar is displayed when you put a Windows Vista-based computer to sleep or into hibernation
958106 Some components of an application may not be displayed correctly in a Terminal Services session if you connect to a terminal server by using RDC 6.1 from a client computer that is running Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows Server 2008
958124 A wmiprvse.exe process may leak memory when a WMI notification query is used heavily on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based computer
958149 Performance decreases when you stream isochronous data on a Windows-based computer that has a Texas Instruments (TI) IEEE 1394 host controller installed
958193 The "Burn" button may still appear on a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008-based client computer after you enable the "Remove CD Burning features" Group Policy
958215 MS08-073: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer
958237 The Windows Image Acquisition image transfer may fail on a WSD scanner device that is installed on a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer
958281 The smart card is locked after you change the smart card PIN for a Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008-based computer
958285 Error message when you access the shared resources in a cooperation network over a VPN connection from a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008-based client computer: "0x80004005" or "0x80070035"
958309 On a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer, you may have to wait five seconds for a USB video device to work if the USB selective suspend setting is enabled on the corresponding USB root hub
958315 A user encounters an offline file sync conflict shortly after a successful synchronization on a Windows Vista-based or a Windows Server 2008-based client computer
958316 You encounter problems when you manipulate logical unit numbers on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based computer
958336 A computer loses its DHCP IP address if a DHCP server is not available in Windows 7 or Windows Vista
958378 You cannot open a compiled database (.mde) file or run a .Net Framework application on a Windows Vista-based computer
958387 A hotfix is available that addresses a memory leak in the Virtual Disk Service on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
958503 The NumLock status may become out of sync during a Remote Desktop session.