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Articles for product: Azure Active Directory

Article ID Article Title Hidden
2867278 Password hash synchronization for Azure AD stops working and event ID 611 is logged
2871385 "Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you out" message in services that use Azure AD
2882421 Directory synchronization to Azure Active Directory stops or you're warned that sync hasn't registered in more than a day
2904278 The 32-bit version of the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization tool is no longer supported
2913017 "You must have Windows PowerShell 2.0 or greater installed" error when you try to install Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
2929554 "Unable to authenticate your credentials" error when you try to connect to Azure Active Directory
2937344 Troubleshooting Azure Multi-Factor Authentication issues
2951246 "We could not verify your account" message when you try to reset your password in Azure, Office 365, or Intune
2951259 "We did not receive your response in time, or you hung up the call" message when you try to reset your password in Azure, Office 365, or Intune
2951260 "Oops! We encountered an unexpected error while contacting you" message when you try to reset your password in Azure, Office 365, or Intune
2951268 "Your request could not be processed" message when you reset your password in Azure, Office 365, or Intune
2951274 "We could not verify your account" message when a new user tries to reset his or her password in Azure, Office 365, or Intune
2962509 Password hash synchronization stops working after you update Azure Active Directory credentials in FIM
2962537 "Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in" and "80041034 " error messages when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365, Azure, or Intune
2964373 "Could not load file or assembly" error when you run DirSyncConfigShell.psc1 in Windows Server 2008 R2
2965539 "The user name or password is incorrect" error when you run the Azure Active Directory Sync tool Configuration Wizard
2967860 You can’t delete a directory through the Azure Management Portal
2969548 "The co-administrator must be either a Microsoft Account or a user account homed in the Default directory" message when you try to add a co-administrator for your Azure subscription
2988408 "Error: 80070005" when you run the Azure Active Directory Sync Services config wizard
2995030 One or more Azure Active Directory sync services don't start
2998261 Changes to domain-based filtering in Synchronization Service Manager fail to sync
3001140 "Specified module 'DirSync' was not loaded" error message when you try to import the module for the Azure Active Directory Sync tool
3003331 "Unknown error (0x80005000)" error message when you run the Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard
3004133 "Authorization_RequestDenied" error message when you try to change a password if you use Graph API
3013032 "Unable to communicate with the Windows Azure Active Directory service" or "Unable to establish a connection with the authentication service" error
3018485 “Failed to connect to Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 on the local machine” error when you run the Convert-MsolDomainToStandard cmdlet
3019157 "Remove-MsolUser: User Not Found" error when you try to remove a user from the recycle bin
3026285 "Connection to EndPoint Service failed" error after you import the Office 365 Management Pack for Operations Manager
3037953 "Failed to get address for method: CreateIdentityHandle2" error when you run the Azure Active Directory Sync tool configuration wizard
3045377 Diagnostic logging for troubleshooting Workplace Join issues
3045378 "Can’t connect to the service" error when you try to register a device
3045379 "The maximum number of devices that can be joined to the workplace by the user has been reached" error during a Workplace Join
3045380 "Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80004005
3045381 "Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80072EFD
3045382 "Workplace Join discovery failed" with exit code 0x80072F0D
3045383 "Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80072F8A"
3045384 "Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80072F19
3045385 "Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80072EE7
3045386 "Confirm you are using the current sign-in info" error when you perform a Workplace Join
3045387 Can’t perform a Workplace Join by using Device Registration Services
3060809 How to remove duplicate mobile device management objects in Azure Active Directory
3066176 User object is missing or filtered from the AAD connector in AAD Sync
3070341 How to manage subdomains and parent domains in different organizations in Office 365, Azure, or Intune
3072417 “Authorization_RequestDenied... Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" error when you run Azure PowerShell cmdlets
3072418 "Method invocation failed" error when you run Azure PowerShell cmdlets
3073644 "Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant service installation returned FAIL" error when you try to install the Azure Active Directory Sync tool
3085068 You can't enable the "Device writeback" option in Azure AD Connect
3089309 Application sign-in failures when you change the reply URL in Azure AD
3092587 "Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in" and "Your administrator hasn’t provided any contact details" error when you try to sign in to an app that's set up for Azure AD B2C
3092588 "Server Error in '/' Application" error when you try to sign in to an app that is set up for Azure AD B2C