At times, you may want to automate an Office application
but not require any user interaction with the Office application. In this case,
if the Office application displays a dialog box, your application appears to
stop responding until a user can dismiss the dialog box. However, there may not
be a user sitting in front of the computer who can dismiss the dialog
Office applications were not designed for unattended execution.
Therefore, an application that automates Office may sometimes encounter a
dialog box displayed by the Office application. From normal testing of the
application, you can usually determine which dialog boxes occur and write your
code to avoid those particular dialogs boxes.
Following are some
recommended strategies for avoiding dialog boxes while automating an Office
- Determine if the property or method you are using (the one
that is causing the dialog box) has optional arguments that you can pass to it.
Sometimes, by passing all arguments to the property or method, you can avoid a
dialog box. For example, if you are using the Open method to open an Excel workbook and that workbook is password
protected, Excel displays a dialog box asking the user to enter the password if
you do not provide the password argument when calling the Open method. To avoid the dialog box, provide a value for the Password argument when calling the Open method. Similarly, when using the Close method to close a document, it often helps to specify the SaveChanges argument to avoid a dialog box asking the user to save
For additional information about how to determine what arguments are available for the property or the method that you are calling, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How To Find and use Office object model documentation
- Study the object model of the Office application to see if
there may be a property that prevents certain dialog boxes. For example, the
Excel Application object has AskToUpdateLinks and AlertBeforeOverwriting properties.
- Set the Application.DisplayAlerts property (Excel, Project, Word) or use Application.DoCmd.SetWarnings False (Access only) to turn off the display of alert messages. Most,
but not all, dialog boxes can be avoided using this setting.
- Set the Application.FeatureInstall property (Office 2000 and later) to handle possible "This feature
is not installed..." dialog boxes when accessing a component that may not be
installed on the user's system.
- Use the On Error statement to avoid run-time error messages that could occur, such
as when trying to set the Application.ActivePrinter when no printer driver is installed on the user's system.
- Test your application thoroughly to help anticipate when
dialog boxes may occur. For example, suppose you call the SaveAs method of an Office application to save to a file. If that file
already exists, a dialog box may appear asking confirmation to replace the
existing file. If you modify your code to check for the file before calling the
SaveAs method, you can avoid the possibility of the dialog box
appearing. For example, if the file already exists, delete it using the Kill statement before calling the SaveAs method.
Note Even if you use these techniques and carefully design your
application to avoid dialog boxes, you may still be faced with a situation
where a dialog box cannot be avoided with the methods and properties exposed in
the Office application's object model. In such situations, it might be
necessary to programmatically dismiss a dialog box by simulating user input.
The following demonstration illustrates how this can be accomplished with a
Visual Basic Automation client.
The steps in this section demonstrate Automation of Microsoft
Word to print a document. The Automation client calls the
PrintOut method for the Word
Document object. If the user's default printer is configured to print to
the FILE port, then a call to
PrintOut produces a dialog box prompting the user to enter a file name. To
determine if the
PrintOut method causes this dialog box to appear, the Visual Basic
Automation client uses a
Timer control to detect idle time after calling the
PrintOut method. Prior to calling
PrintOut, the
Timer is enabled and set to fire in five seconds. When
PrintOut completes, the
Timer is disabled. Therefore, if the
PrintOut method completes within five seconds, the
Timer event never occurs and no further action is taken. The document
is printed and the code execution continues beyond the
PrintOut method. However, if the
Timer event occurs within the five second interval, it is assumed that
PrintOut method has not completed and that the delay is caused by a dialog
box waiting for user input. When the
Timer event occurs, the Automation client gives focus to Word and uses
SendKeys to dismiss the dialog box.
Note For demonstration purposes, this sample uses the
PrintOut method in such a way that it displays a dialog box intentionally
when it prints to a printer set to a FILE port. Please note that the
PrintOut method has two arguments,
OutputfileName and
PrintToFile, that you can provide to avoid this dialog box.
Additionally, when using this "timer" approach, you can customize the wait time
to be greater or less than five seconds, as well as customize the keystrokes
you send to the dialog box.
This demonstration consists of two Visual
Basic projects:
- An ActiveX EXE that provides a Timer class used to detect a
delay. The reason to use an ActiveX EXE for the Timer class is to run the Timer
code in a separate process and, therefore, a separate thread. This makes it
possible for the Timer class to raise an event during a suspended automation
- A Standard EXE that uses automation to Word and calls the PrintOut method to print a document. It uses the ActiveX EXE to detect a
delay when calling the PrintOut method.
Create the ActiveX EXE Project- Start Visual Basic and create an ActiveX EXE project.
Class1 is created by default.
- On the Project menu, click to select Properties, and then change the Project name to MyTimer.
- Copy and paste the following code into the Class1 module:
Option Explicit
Public Event Timer()
Private oForm1 As Form1
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set oForm1 = New Form1
oForm1.Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Me.Enabled = False
Unload oForm1
Set oForm1 = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Enabled = oForm1.Timer1.Enabled
End Property
Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
oForm1.Timer1.Enabled = vNewValue
If vNewValue = True Then
Set oForm1.oClass1 = Me
Set oForm1.oClass1 = Nothing
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Interval() As Integer
Interval = oForm1.Timer1.Interval
End Property
Public Property Let Interval(ByVal vNewValue As Integer)
oForm1.Timer1.Interval = vNewValue
End Property
Friend Sub TimerEvent()
RaiseEvent Timer
End Sub
- On the Project menu, choose Add Form to add a new Form to the project.
- Add a Timer control to the form.
- Copy and paste the following code into the code module for
Option Explicit
Public oClass1 As Class1
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
End Sub
- Save this project in a new subfolder named Server.
- On the File menu, choose Make MyTimer.Exe to build and register the component.
Create the Automation Client- Create a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is
created by default.
- Add a CommandButton control to the form.
- On the Project menu, select References. Add references to the Microsoft Word 8.0 (or 9.0, or 10.0) Object Library, and to MyTimer.
- Copy and paste the following code to the form module:
Option Explicit
Private oWord As Word.Application
Private strWordCaption As String
Private WithEvents oMyTimer As MyTimer.Class1
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Create MyTimer object, and then disable it by default:
Set oMyTimer = New MyTimer.Class1
oMyTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
'Terminate MyTimer object when the form is closed:
oMyTimer.Enabled = False
Set oMyTimer = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Create a new Word instance and put text in the new document:
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
oWord.Selection.TypeText "Hello World!"
'Prepare Timer to "watch out" for a delay in calling PrintOut:
strWordCaption = GetWordCaption 'for use with AppActivate
oMyTimer.Interval = 5000 'allow 5 second wait time
oMyTimer.Enabled = True
'Call the PrintOut method, which may prompt the user to select
'an output file name if the default printer is set to FILE:
oWord.PrintOut Background:=False
On Error Resume Next
'Turn off Timer:
oMyTimer.Enabled = False
'Close document and quit the Word instance:
oWord.ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set oWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
Resume Done
End Sub
Private Sub oMyTimer_Timer()
'If this event occurs, there was a delay in calling PrintOut.
'You can assume that the delay is caused by a dialog box prompting
'for an output file name because the user has the printer
'configured to print to FILE. SendKeys is used to provide the
'output file name and dismiss the dialog box.
Dim strKeys As String
On Error Resume Next
'Make sure that Word has the focus before using SendKeys to it:
AppActivate strWordCaption 'Set focus to Word.
'Send keystrokes to enter the output file name:
If Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then
strKeys = App.Path & "MyOutput.prn"
strKeys = App.Path & "\MyOutput.prn"
End If
Kill strKeys 'make sure file does not already exist
strKeys = strKeys & "~" '~ represents the OK button to dismiss dialog
SendKeys strKeys, True
'Disable MyTimer:
oMyTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Function GetWordCaption() As String
'Returns the Word Caption. For use with the AppActivate statement
Dim s As String
On Error Resume Next
If Left$(oWord.Version, 1) = "8" Then
'Word 97 logic:
s = oWord.Caption
'Word 2000 or 2002 logic:
s = oWord.ActiveWindow.Caption
If Err.Number = 0 Then 'no error
s = s & " - " & oWord.Caption
s = oWord.Caption
End If
End If
GetWordCaption = s
End Function
- Save this project in a new subfolder named Client.
- Press the F5 key to run the project. Form1 appears.
- Click Command1 on the form. This automates Word, adds a new document with some
text, and then sends it to the printer by using the PrintOut method. You do not see a dialog box if your printer is configured
to print to a printer.
- In the Windows Control Panel, change your default printer
so that it is configured to print to the FILE port.
- Click Command1 again,and note that a dialog box appears in Word. Do not dismiss
the dialog; wait five seconds and the dialog box is programmatically dismissed
when the Timer event occurs. An output file named MyOutput.prn is created in the
Client subfolder.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs.
If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or Microsoft Advisory Services. For more information, visit these Microsoft Web sites:
Microsoft Certified Partners - Advisory Services - more information about the support options that are available and about how to contact Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:;EN-US;CNTACTMS