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PRB: Errors with Integration After Enabling P & M

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This article was previously published under Q243337

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After enabling Personalization & Membership (P & M) from Site Server, the integration with Visual InterDev and Microsoft FrontPage no longer works.

From Visual InterDev, you receive the following error:
User "MemProxyUser" not found.
As a result, FrontPage no longer displays the green dots next to the files in the Web project.

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P&M has its own anonymous user and this user has not been added to Visual SourceSafe.

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Resolution One

Install a second Web site on the Web server and have P & M enabled on one site (site one) and do all the development from the other site (site two). Both of these Web sites can point to the same directory, namely \InetPub\wwwroot and thus when development makes a change to site two, it is reflected on site one. This way P&M works when you browse from site one and it won't effect Visual SourceSafe integration on site two.

Resolution Two

Enable P & M on a different server and don't use all three together.

Resolution Three

Add the MemProxyUser to Visual SourceSafe.

NOTE: After doing this, all the Check Ins and Check Outs, from Visual SourceSafe are done by this user.

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This behavior is by design.

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  • Reference "Adding Sites" in the NT Option Pack documentation (under Server Administration/Web and FTP Sites).
  • Reference "Add User" in the Visual SourceSafe documentation.

195314� Access Denied when Using Membership Authentication

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Keywords: KB243337, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 243337
Revision : 4
Created on : 2/23/2007
Published on : 2/23/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 486