The results of the SQLExec() function are always returned to a cursor. The
default cursor name is Sqlresult. To send the results to a table, use the
COPY TO command after calling the SQLExec() function. The COPY TO command
creates a table from the Sqlresult cursor.
The following example creates a table called Temp.dbf from the results of a
SQLExec() function. Create a new program containing the following code:
datasrcname='test' &&Data Source Name - from ODBC administrator
userid='sa' &&User ID
pword='' &&User Password
** Establish a connection **
handle=SQLConnect(datasrcname, userid, pword)
** Execute query **
=SQLExec(handle, 'select * from authors')
** Copy results to a table **
** Close the cursor **
SELECT Sqlresult
** End the connection **
When this program is run, the results of the SQLEXEC() function are stored
in the Temp.dbf table.