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Articles for product: Windows Vista Home Basic

Article ID Article Title Hidden
2862330 MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
2862335 MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
2862966 An update is available that improves management of weak certificate cryptographic algorithms in Windows
2862973 Microsoft Security Advisory: Update for deprecation of MD5 hashing algorithm for Microsoft root certificate program: August 13, 2013
2864058 MS13-083: Vulnerability in Windows Common Control Library could allow remote code execution: October 8, 2013
2864063 MS13-071: Vulnerability in Windows Theme file could allow remote code execution: September 10, 2013
2864202 MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
2868038 MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
2868623 MS13-065: Vulnerability in ICMPv6 could allow denial of service: August 13, 2013
2868626 MS13-095: Vulnerability in XML digital signatures could allow denial of service: November 12, 2013
2870008 MS13-081: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel-mode drivers could allow remote code execution: October 8, 2013
2870965 "0x00000027" Stop error when you try to access some shared resources in Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2
2875783 MS13-093: Vulnerability in Windows ancillary function driver could allow information disclosure: November 12, 2013
2876284 MS13-081: Description of the security update for kernel-mode drivers: October 8, 2013
2876315 MS13-076: Vulnerabilities in kernel-mode drivers could allow elevation of privilege: September 10, 2013
2876331 MS13-089: Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Device Interface could allow remote code execution: November 12, 2013
2878391 An incorrect value is returned for the ifOutDiscards object when an SNMP application queries the ifOutDiscards object in MIB2 in Windows
2883150 MS13-081: Description of the security update for kernel-mode drivers: October 8, 2013
2884256 MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
2886840 "0x0000000A" Stop error on a computer that is running Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2
2887064 FIX: The Start-Process cmdlet ignores the "-Wait" parameter when the cmdlet is started remotely on a Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, or Windows Server 2008 SP2 computer that has Windows Management Framework 3.0 installed
2887069 MS13-101: Description of the security update for Windows kernel-mode drivers: December 10, 2013
2892075 MS13-099: Description of the security update for Windows Script 5.7: December 10, 2013
2893294 MS13-098: Vulnerability in Windows could allow remote code execution: December 10, 2013
2893984 MS13-101: Description of the security update for Windows kernel-mode drivers: December 10, 2013
2895635 Noncritical disk volumes are included incorrectly in the system state backup image when you use the -allCritical option in Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2
2896666 Microsoft Security Advisory: Vulnerability in Microsoft graphics component could allow remote code execution
2901139 Visual elements are not displayed correctly in a Remote Desktop session when you connect to a remote computer that is running Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2
2903679 Remote Assistance sessions do not enable access to user programs that are run by using elevated rights in Windows Vista and Windows 7
2908005 MS13-096: Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics component could allow remote code execution: December 10, 2013
2909210 MS14-011: Description of the security update for Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) 5.8: February 11, 2014
2909212 MS14-011: Description of the security update for Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) 5.7: February 11, 2014
2916036 MS14-005: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services could allow information disclosure: February 11, 2014
2917500 Microsoft security advisory: Improperly issued digital certificates could allow spoofing
2918614 MS14-049: Description of the security update for Windows Installer Service: August 12, 2014
2922229 MS14-019: Vulnerability in Windows file handling component could allow remote code execution: April 8, 2014
2926765 MS14-027: Description of the security update for Windows: May 13, 2014
2928120 MS14-025: Description of the security update for Group Policy Preferences for systems that have update 2919355 installed: May 13, 2014
2928390 MS14-011: Vulnerability in the VBScript scripting engine could allow remote code execution: February 11, 2014
2929733 The first stage of the WER protocol is not SSL encrypted in Windows
2929961 MS14-013: Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow could allow remote code execution: March 11, 2014
2930275 MS14-015: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel mode driver could allow elevation of privilege: March 11, 2014
2931031 Windows Setup may fail if USB flash disk is removed too early
2933537 Clearing the "Register this connection's addresses in DNS" option does not remove DNS records for Windows clients using static IP addresses
2934418 MS14-016: Vulnerability in Security Account Manager Remote (SAMR) protocol could allow security feature bypass: March 11, 2014
2936105 Operation to change a personal folder location fails in Windows
2938861 Device Health is available for Windows
2939576 MS14-033: Description of the security update for MSXML: June 10, 2014
2957189 MS14-031: Description of the security update for TCP for Windows: June 10, 2014
2957486 Ls command takes a long time to list shared files in two windows on a Windows-based NFS server