To work around this problem, use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Move the file to the destination
Save the file to a local computer. Then, use Windows Explorer to move the file to the destination that you want.
Method 2: Save the file to a different location
If you typically save files to a shared folder on a Windows 98-based computer or on a Windows Millennium Edition-based computer, you will experience the problem that is described in the "Symptoms" section. To work around this problem, save the file to a shared folder or to a network location that is on a Windows 2000-based computer, on a Windows XP-based computer, or a Windows Server 2003-based computer.
Method 3: Change the focus in the Save dialog box or in the Save As dialog box
In the
Save dialog box or in the
Save As dialog box, use one of the following procedures:
- After you specify the file name and the location where you want to save the file in the Save dialog box or in the Save As dialog box, press TAB to move the focus to the Cancel button. Then, click Save.
- Click Cancel, but do not release the mouse button. Then, move the pointer off the Cancel button. When you release the mouse button, the focus in the Save dialog box or in the Save As dialog box is on the Cancel button. Then, click Save.