Starting with KB4493472 Monthly Rollup updates will no longer include PciClearStaleCache.exe. This installation utility addressees inconsistencies in the internal PCI cache. This can cause the symptoms listed below when installing monthly updates that do NOT include PciClearStaleCache:
- Existing NIC definitions in control panel networks may be replaced with a new Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) but with default settings. Any custom settings on the previously NIC persist in the registry but were unused.
- Static IP address settings were lost on network interfaces.
- Wi-Fi profile settings were not displayed in the network flyout.
- WIFI network adapters were disabled
These symptoms are especially common on guest virtual machines and on machines which have not been updated since March, 2018.
Administrators should ensure that any one or more of the Monthly rollups released between April 10, 2018 (KB4093118) and March 12, 2019 (KB4489878) have been installed prior to installing April 2019 and later updates. Each of these rollup updates includes PciClearStaleCache.exe.
July 19, 2019 - IMPORTANT: Beginning with the July 2019 updates, Active Directory domain controllers will intentionally block unconstrained delegation across forest, external, and quarantined trusts. Authentication requests for services that use unconstrained delegation over the listed trust types will fail when you request new tickets. Administrators should reconfigure the affected services to use resource-based constrained delegation. For more information, see KB4490425.