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HOWTO: Use ADO to Return a Summary Row

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The sample code in this article demonstrates how to extract the value of summary rows using ADO. Summary rows are produced when you use a COMPUTE BY clause with any row aggregate functions in a SQL statement. These summary values appear as additional rows in the query results, unlike the aggregate function results of a GROUP BY clause, which appear as new columns.

For example, the following query returns the summation for the "price" and "advance" columns in addition to the columns in the SELECT clause:
   SELECT type, price, advance
   FROM titles
   ORDER BY type
   COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance) BY type
If you create a recordset based on this SQL statement, and if you loop through the recordset, you can only see the columns specified in the SELECT clause. This is because ADO returns the results of a query with a COMPUTE statement as multiple recordsets. To get the summary rows, you must loop through each recordset from the multiple recordsets.

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The following code demonstrates this technique. This code uses the NextRecordset method of the Recordset object to loop through the multiple recordsets. The code uses the Pubs database supplied with Microsoft SQL Server.

Sample Code

   <TITLE>Compute Row results</TITLE>
   sql="SELECT price, advance,type FROM titles "
   sql= sql & "ORDER BY type, price "
   sql= sql & "COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance) BY type "
   sql= sql & "COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance)"

   set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   ' Modify the connection string to reflect your
   ' Data Source Name (DSN). "Pubs","sa",""

   set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
   cmd.CommandText = sql
   set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
   set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   set rs = cmd.Execute

   <%count = 1
   Do Until rs Is Nothing%>
   <%For x=0 to rs.Fields.count-1%>
   <td><b><%response.write rs(x).name%> </b><hr></td>
      <%Do While Not rs.EOF%>
         <%For x=0 to rs.Fields.count-1%>
      Set rs = rs.NextRecordset
      count = count + 1

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For additional information on retrieving Multiple Recordsets, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
182290 HOWTO: Return Multiple Recordsets with Column Names and Values

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Keywords: kbcodesnippet, kbdatabase, kberrmsg, kbhowto, kbscript, KB194005

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Article Info
Article ID : 194005
Revision : 7
Created on : 3/14/2005
Published on : 3/14/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 609