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PRB: Installing MDAC/ADO/RDS on Windows NT Requires Admin Privileges

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When you install the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) on a system running Windows NT, if you are logged on as a user without Administrator privileges, you see an error such as the following:
You must have administrative privileges to install or rollback this software. (MDAC 2.6 or 2.7 or 2.8)
Insufficient privileges You do not have sufficient privileges to install here. (MDAC version 2.1 SP2)
Setup Error 168 Setup has encountered a problem updating your system registry. (MDAC version 2.0)

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You must have Administrator privileges to install the Microsoft Data Access Components.

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Install MDAC while logged in as a user with Administrator privileges.

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Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with the products listed at the beginning of the article.

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More information

There are several components that require Administrator privileges to install. In addition, the MDAC install must modify the system registry.

Some components that require Administrator privileges to install are:
  • OLE Automation (Oleaut32.dll, Olepro32.dll, Asycfilt.dll, and Stdole2.tlb), which is required by MDAC components including OLE DB, ADO, and RDS.

  • Visual C++ Run Time Library (Msvcrt.dll) might also require administrator privileges to update. Without Administrator privileges, you might see the following error:
    Copy Error
    An Error has Occurred Copying MSVCRT.DLL
  • Other DLLs that require Administrator privileges in order to install correctly are listed below:

    Msado15.dll // ADO
    Msadce.dll // RDS
    Msdadc.dll // OLE DB

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For additional information, please visit the Microsoft Universal Data Access Web site: You can download the latest version of the Microsoft Data Access Components from the following site:

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Article Info
Article ID : 177514
Revision : 10
Created on : 1/1/0001
Published on : 1/1/0001
Exists online : False
Views : 769