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XCLN: Creating Shared Windows Roving Users

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This article was previously published under Q148496

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Microsoft Exchange administrators have the ability to support roving users running from a network installation of Windows 3.1 and 3.11. Roving users are individuals that are not tied to a specific machine. They need access to their Microsoft Exchange accounts regardless of their physical location on the network.

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More information

Administrators can run the following steps to create a default profile that can be customized for each Microsoft Exchange Windows client user:
  1. The network administrator will need to create home directories on the network for each user and assign logon scripts that will automatically connect those users to their home directory.
  2. From the Microsoft Exchange Win16 client share point, run SETUP /a to create a network installation of the Microsoft Exchange Win16 client.

    NOTE: You must be logged in with Administrator privileges and be running the same shared copy of Windows that the users will be running. This is because the network installation will add files to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory that are required by the Microsoft Exchange client.
  3. Run the Microsoft Exchange Setup Editor against this network client installation share point to make any desired changes in the Setup Options a user will see when running the client Setup Program. The Microsoft Exchange Setup Editor can also be used to modify default Microsoft Exchange user profile information. Save the changes you have made and exit the Setup Editor. This will modify the SETUP.STF file in the client network installation directory and create a file called DEFAULT.PRF if it does not already exist.
  4. Each user should be configured to run Windows from the network.
  5. Each user should now run SETUP.EXE from the Microsoft Exchange Win16 client network installation point. Select the Workstation installation option. This will install the client so that it runs from the server. The Setup program will now create the user's default profile, based on the settings in the DEFAULT.PRF file in the client network installation share point. This default profile will be created in the user's home directory on the server if the user is set up to run Windows from this directory.
  6. Each user should now be able to move to any similarly configured machine, running Windows from the network, and be able to run the Microsoft Exchange client using the same profile.

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Keywords: kbhowto, kbsetup, kbusage, KB148496

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Article Info
Article ID : 148496
Revision : 8
Created on : 2/27/2007
Published on : 2/27/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 550