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Articles for product: Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition

Article ID Article Title Hidden
127734 How to make sure that the ODBC.DLL and the ODBCCURS.DLL have the same cursor level in Visual C++
134391 Description of references that discuss ODBC in Visual C++
137814 How to use predefined queries that take parameters and do not return a result set with the MFC ODBC classes
150552 How to avoid the ODBC login dialog box when using MFC in Visual C++
152534 How to use ODBC in an ActiveX control by using Visual C++
166112 PRB: Conflict with EOF When Using #import with ADO
171280 PRB: Error Message "Cannot insert object" in Excel
178474 How To Build an Add-in (XLL) for Excel Using Visual C++
178605 How To Determine the Version of a Microsoft Excel Workbook
180625 How to use Automation to modify the Office menu
181473 HOWTO: Use OLE Automation from a C Application Rather Than C++
181480 FIX: MFC ODBC Cannot Update Access Date/Time with No Date
184663 How to embed and automate a Microsoft Excel worksheet with MFC
185821 How to retrieve the automatic @@IDENTITY value from an insert to a SQL Server database in Visual C++
186120 How To Use MFC to Automate Excel and Fill a Range with an Array
186122 How to use MFC to automate Excel 2000 and Excel 2002 and obtain an array from a range in Excel 2000 and Excel 2002
186898 How To Read Compound Document Properties Directly with VC++
189415 AdoChunk.exe Using GetChunk and AppendChunk in Visual C++
190985 How to get IDispatch of an Excel or Word document from an OCX
192348 How to automate Excel and then know the user closed it
199691 How to automate using Visual C++ to save Excel worksheet as HTML file
214462 PRB: Error "Bound to Unknown Type" Inserting ATL Control in VBA UserForm
238983 How to trap events exposed by Office applications
242375 PRB: Office 97 Automation Client Fails After Re-compilation with Office 2000 or Later Type Library
243394 HOWTO: Use MFC to Copy a DAO Recordset to Excel with Automation
246501 INFO: Use an Explicit Locale Identifier (LCID) When Automating Excel to Set Currency Formats
261997 How To Obtain the Window Handle for an Office Automation Server with MFC
266318 How to retrieve the name of an Office document that contains an MFC ActiveX control