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XL: Error Message: "Input Cell Reference Is Not Valid"

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If you are using a data table in Microsoft Excel and the row or column input cell refers to an external reference, you may receive the following error message:
Input Cell Reference Is Not Valid

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The row and column input cell must refer to a cell on the active worksheet outside of the table range. This feature of data tables is by design.

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To avoid the error message, you can use a cell with a linking formula ("=Sheet1!A1") as your input cell. That way the input cell is on the same worksheet as the Data Table and the "real" input cell is on another sheet.

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Keywords: KB95811, kbprb, kberrmsg

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Article Info
Article ID : 95811
Revision : 3
Created on : 9/19/2011
Published on : 9/19/2011
Exists online : False
Views : 591