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Error message when you publish an Expression Web Web site, a SharePoint Designer Web site, or a FrontPage Web site to a Web server: "Publish _vti_cnf/thumbs.db could not be published because of an illegal document"

View products that this article applies to.


You publish one of the following to a Web server that has FrontPage Server Extensions installed:
  • A Microsoft Expression Web Web site
  • A Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Web site
  • A Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Web site
  • A FrontPage 2002 Web site
  • A FrontPage 2000 Web site
When you do this, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:
Server error: The following file(s) have been blocked by the administrator: images/Thumbs.db

Publish _vti_cnf/thumbs.db could not be published because of an illegal document

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This issue may occur if both the following conditions are true:
  • One or more Thumbs.db files exist in a folder or in folders on your Web site.
  • The Web server that you are publishing your Web site to does not permit files that have .db file name extensions.

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To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods, depending on your situation:

Method 1: Delete the Thumbs.db files

Delete the Thumbs.db files that are contained in folders on the Web site that you want to publish, and then publish your Web site. To do this:
  1. Start Windows Explorer, and then open the folder that contains the Thumbs.db file.
  2. On the View menu, click any view that you want except the Thumbnails view. For example, click List.
  3. Quit Windows Explorer.
  4. Open the Web site on your computer, and then open the folder that contains the Thumbs.db file.
  5. Right-click the Thumbs.db file, and then click Delete.
  6. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
  7. Repeat step 1 through step 6 to delete every Thumbs.db file that is contained in folders on the Web site that you want to publish.
  8. Publish your Web site to the Web server.

Method 2: Set the Thumbs.db file to "Don't Publish"

Set the Thumbs.db files to use the Don't Publish setting, and then publish your Web site. To do this:
  1. Open your Web site.
  2. On the View menu, click Folders or Folder List.
  3. Right-click the Thumbs.db file, and then click Don't Publish.
  4. Publish your Web site to the Web server.

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More information

When you open a folder in Thumbnails view, Windows creates a Thumbs.db file. For example, if you use Windows Explorer to open a folder in Thumbnails view, Windows creates a Thumbs.db file in that folder.

For more information about FrontPage, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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kbnoOfficeAlertID SPD2007 SPD EW EWD FP2000 FP2002 FP2003 thumbnails

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Keywords: KB840270, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 840270
Revision : 5
Created on : 6/4/2007
Published on : 6/4/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 438