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The types of files and add-ins that the security level settings can affect in Office 2003 and in Office 2007

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The Security Level tab in the Security dialog box in a Microsoft Office 2003 program and the Trust Center dialog box in a 2007 Microsoft Office program imply what the security level is for macros. The security level setting also changes how the Office products that are listed in the "Applies To" section handle other types of files and add-ins.

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The security level setting affects the following items:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic for Application (VBA) macros
  • COM add-ins
  • Smart tags
  • Smart Documents
  • Extensible Style sheet Language (XSL) documents
In 2003 Office programs, a component checks all files of these types. If the macro security is set to High, running scripts is disabled. If the macro security is set to Medium, the user is asked whether to run script in these files. If macro security is set to Low, the script is run.

Note Exceptions to the security settings are as follows:
  • Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 ignores the settings when you open XSL files. FrontPage 2003 always disallows scripts from being run in the context of XSL transforms.
  • Microsoft Office Word 2003 runs XSL scripts regardless of the security setting if the XSL file is digitally signed, and that signer is trusted.
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2003 runs trusted templates and add-ins when the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box is selected. This includes files in the XLSTART directory.

Office 2003 programs

To locate the security level setting for macros in an Office 2003 program, follow these steps:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Security tab, and then click Macro Security.

2007 Office programs

To locate the security level setting for macros in a 2007 Office program, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Microsoft Office Button
  2. Click Office product name Options, and then click Trust Center.

    Note In this step, product name is the name of the Office program in which you are verifying the security level setting.
  3. Click Trust Center settings, and then click Macro Settings.
In the 2007 Office programs, the security level settings are simplified by comparison with the settings in Office 2003 programs. The macro security settings are as follows:
  • Disable all macros without notification
  • Disable all macros with notification
  • Disable all macros except digitally signed macros
  • Enable all macros

    Note We do not recommend that you use this option. This option can enable potentially dangerous code to run.

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For more information about Smart tag security, view the documentation in the Microsoft Office Smart Document Software Development Kit (SDK). To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (

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Keywords: kbinfo, kbsecurity, kbconfig, kbprivacy, kbinfo, KB828384, kbsecurity, kbconfig, kbprivacy, KB828384

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Article Info
Article ID : 828384
Revision : 14
Created on : 7/3/2007
Published on : 7/3/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 640