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Default Look of a SharePoint Team Services Web Site Is Lost

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When you view your SharePoint Team Services Web site, the look of your Web site may have changed from the default style of a SharePoint Team Services Web site.

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This problem may occur if the link to the SharePoint Team Services style sheet (Ows.css) has been removed from your Web site.

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To work around this problem, create a new theme that contains the look of the standard SharePoint Team Services Web site. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Verify that the link to the Ows.css style sheet has been removed.

    To do this, open your Default.aspx Web page, and then click Style Sheet Links on the Format menu. In the Link Style Sheet dialog box, if ../_layouts/1033/styles/ows.css does not appear in the URL box, click Cancel, and then continue with these steps.
  2. Open your Default.aspx Web page, and then click Theme on the Format menu.
  3. On the Theme task pane, click Create new theme.
  4. In the Customize Theme dialog box, click Save As to accept the default settings.
  5. In the Save Theme dialog box, type a name for your SharePoint look theme (for example, type LooksLikeSharePoint), and then click OK.
  6. Click OK to close the Customize Theme dialog box.
  7. On the Theme task pane, right-click the new theme that you created in steps 2 through 5, and then do one of the following:
    • If you want to apply the new theme to your whole SharePoint Team Services Web site, click Apply as default theme. Click Yes to the following message:
      Applying a theme as the default theme to a Web site will replace existing formatting information. Individually themed pages will not be modified. Do you want to apply the theme?
    • If you want to apply the new theme to only the current page, click Apply to selected page.

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More information

When you create a new theme, the default SharePoint Team Services formatting information (Ows.css classes) is now contained in the blank theme that all new themes are created from.

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Keywords: KB817120, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 817120
Revision : 6
Created on : 2/1/2007
Published on : 2/1/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 463