Export distribution group members using LDIFDE.
looks like this:
ldifde -f export.ldf -d "cn=\distribution group DN" -l member -s server
-f���� specifies the file name to save the data to.
-d��� specifies the RootDN (basically where the search starts).
-l�����specifies what parameter you are interested in (in this case we are looking at the 'member' attribute.)
-s����specifies which Active Directory Domain Controller to use.
The distribution group DN (Distinguished Name) consists of the following:
���� 1. Distribution Group name
���� 2. OU that the Distribution Group resides in
���� 3. NetBIOS domain name
���� 4. Top level domain which domain resides in (usually 'com' but not always)
As an example, to export the members of a Distribution Group named 'Partners' in the 'Users' OU, you would use the following
syntax against the domain controller DC01 in the Microsoft.com domain:
ldifde -f export.ldf -d "cn=\Partners,ou=users,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -l member -s DC01
Your output would look like this:
changetype: add
member: CN=Smith\, Bob,OU=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com
member: CN=Smith\, Glen,OU=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com
You could then take this output and view it with notepad or import it in to Excel for manipulation.� This is just one of the many
uses of ldifde.� The full syntax of the command can be viewed by typing 'ldifde' at a command prompt.� As always, fully
understand the impact of your syntax before running it against a production Active Directory.