To resolve this behavior, reinstall the Active Directory Connector (ADC). To do so, use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Reinstall the Active Directory Connector
- Start Windows Explorer, and then on the Exchange Server 2000 CD-ROM locate the following folder:
- In the right pane of the Windows Explorer window, double-click SETUP. Microsoft Active Directory Connector Setup starts.
- Click Next, click to select the Microsoft Active Directory Connector Service component check box, and then click Next.
- On the Install Location page, click Next.
- On the Service Account page, enter the service account and corresponding account password that you want, and then click Next.
- Click Finish.
NOTE: It is not necessary to reinstall SP1 for Exchange 2000 Server.
When the Active Directory Connections container is present on the domain controller, the System Attendant will fail over successfully.
Method 2: Create the ADC Container Manually
Use the ADSI Edit utility to manually create the ADC container. To do this, follow these steps:
WARNING: If you use the ADSI Edit snap-in, the LDP utility, or any other LDAP version 3 client, and you incorrectly modify the attributes of Active Directory objects, you can cause serious problems. These problems may require you to reinstall Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, or both. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that occur if you incorrectly modify Active Directory object attributes can be solved. Modify these attributes at your own risk.
- Log on to the domain controller as Administrator.
- Start the ADSI Edit utility. To do this, follow these steps:
- Install the Windows 2000 Support Tools.For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Folder Listing of the Support Tools Included in Windows 2000
- Register the Adsiedit.dll file by using Regsvr32. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type the following line, and then click OK:
regsvr32 "drive:\Program Files\Support Tools\adsiedit.dll"
- Open a new Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and then add the ADSI Edit snap-in.
- In the console root, right-click ADSI Edit, and then click Connect to.
- In the Connection dialog box, click Configuration Container in the Naming Context list, and then click OK.
- Expand ADSI Edit, expand Configuration Container [], and then expand CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com.
- Expand CN=Services, right-click CN=Microsoft Exchange, point to New, and then click Object.
- In the Select a class list, click container, and then click Next.
- In the Value box, type Active Directory Connections, and then click Next.
- Click Finish, and then quit the ADSI Edit snap-in.
After the newly created object has replicated to the domain controller to which the Exchange 2000 server points, the virtual server will fail over successfully, and have the System Attendant service start.