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BUG: Incorrect Number of Rows Inserted Using MS ODBC Driver and Stored Procedure on SQL Server

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This article was previously published under Q293901

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If you use the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server to execute a stored procedure that inserts multiple rows into a SQL Server table, an inconsistent number of records may be inserted.

This problem can occur when all of the following conditions are met:
  • You are using the Microsoft ODBC Driver to connect to SQL Server.
  • The stored procedure that inserts records into the table does not specify SET NOCOUNT ON.
  • You do not call SQLMoreResults to extract all tokens from SQL Server.
  • You use SQLSetEnvAttr to programmatically set ODBC versions to SQL_OV_ODBC3 instead of SQL_OV_ODBC2.

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When you do not specify SET NOCOUNT ON in your stored procedure, SQL Server returns a token for every INSERT statement, and if you do not extract all the returned tokens by using SQLMoreResults, you will get inconsistent results.

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You can work around this problem in the following ways:
  • Specify SET NOCOUNT ON in the stored procedure.
  • Call SQLMoreResults until you get SQL_NO_DATA to extract all tokens from SQL Server.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

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More information

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Create a table "test" by using the following code:
    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[test]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table [dbo].[test]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test] (
    	[theId] [int] NOT NULL ,
    	[name] [char] (50) NULL 
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
  2. Create a stored procedure "TestSp" by using the following SQL code:
    DECLARE @Number INT
    Select @Number = 1
    WHILE (@Number <= 800)
    	-- Create new row in table test here.
    	INSERT INTO test(  theId,name)VALUES
    	-- Increment Sequence number.
    	SELECT @Number=@Number + 1
  3. Create a Win32 console application and add the following code:
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <sql.h>
    #include <sqlext.h>
    void main(void)
    	HENV henv;
    	HDBC hdbc;
    	HSTMT hstmt;
    	SQLRETURN retcode;
    	retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,SQL_NULL_HANDLE,&henv);   
            // We need to set the ODBC version to SQL_OV_ODBC3.
    	retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv,SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(void *)SQL_OV_ODBC3,SQL_C_SLONG) ;
    	retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,henv, &hdbc);   
            //Make sure that autocommit is set to ON.
    	retcode = SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc,SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT,(void *)SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON,0);
            //Change the DSN, user ID, and password accordingly.	
    	retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hdbc, &hstmt);
    	retcode = SQLPrepare(hstmt,(unsigned char *)"{call TestSP}",SQL_NTS);
    	retcode = SQLExecute(hstmt);
            //Uncomment the following SQLMoreResults call to collect all returned tokens.
    	//while (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA)
    	//retcode = SQLMoreResults(hstmt);
    	retcode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);	
    	retcode = SQLDisconnect(hdbc);	
    	retcode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
    	retcode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
  4. In the code, change the data source name (DSN), user ID, and password.
  5. Compile the project and run it.
  6. Check the number of records that were inserted in table test.
  7. Uncomment the while loop in your code, and then recompile and run the code. Note that the records entered in the table are accurate.
  8. Comment the while loop or uncomment SET NOCOUNT ON in the stored procedure and then run the code. Note that the records entered are correct.

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Keywords: KB293901, kbnofix, kbdriver, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 293901
Revision : 5
Created on : 12/5/2003
Published on : 12/5/2003
Exists online : False
Views : 517