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Some print settings are unavailable when you select multiple sheets in Excel

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When you select multiple sheets in a Microsoft Excel workbook, certain sheet-specific print settings are unavailable in the Page Setup dialog box.

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When you select multiple sheets, the following options are not available on the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box:
  • Print area
  • Rows to repeat at top
  • Columns to repeat at left
NOTE: Menu commands that are not available are dimmed. Clicking a menu command that is not available has no effect. The Set Print Area command (in Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and in Microsoft Excel 2002, right-click a cell within the selection, and then click Set Print Area on the shortcut menu. In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, on the Page Layout tab, click Print Area in the Page Setup group, and then click Set Print Area) also has no effect when multiple sheets are selected.

Selecting multiple sheets places the sheets in group mode. In group mode, any changes that you make to one sheet affect the other sheets in that group. The commands that are not available are settings that are specific to one page; these commands are not available in group mode.

Determining Whether Sheets Are in Group Mode

Sheets are in group mode if one of the following conditions is true:
  • The word "Group" follows the workbook name in either the title bar of the program or the title bar of the workbook window.

  • More than one sheet tab is selected.
The default color of selected sheets is white. More than one white tab indicates that more than one sheet is selected.

Grouping Sheets

You can group sheets if you press SHIFT or CTRL while you click the sheet tabs. Holding SHIFT selects all sheets in the range. Holding CTRL selects individual sheets and places them in a group.

Ungrouping Sheets

To ungroup sheets, click any sheet not included in the group.

NOTE: The sheet tab of a sheet that is not selected is gray by default.

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For more information about worksheet printing issues, press F1 to open Excel Help, type define what part of the worksheet to print in the search box, and then click Search to view the topic.

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Keywords: KB291310, kbprint, kbprb, kbsettings

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Article Info
Article ID : 291310
Revision : 5
Created on : 1/31/2007
Published on : 1/31/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 307