Previous version
Event name equivalent When the event occurs
----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------
Activate Auto_Activate When the active workbook changes
from another workbook to this
Deactivate Auto_Deactivate When the active workbook changes
from this workbook to another
Open Auto_Open When the workbook opens
BeforeClose Auto_Close Before the workbook closes
AddInInstall Auto_Add When the user installs the add-in
through the add-in manager
AddInUninstall Auto_Remove When the user uninstalls the
add-in through the add-in manager
WindowResize Not applicable After a window of the workbook has
been opened, resized, maximized,
or minimized
WindowActivate OnWindow Every time the focus comes to a
window belonging to the workbook
WindowDeactivate OnWindow Every time the focus leaves this
particular window of the workbook
BeforeSave OnSave Before a workbook saves
BeforePrint Not applicable Before a workbook prints
NewSheet Not applicable After a new sheet is created
SheetActivate OnSheetActivate Every time a sheet is activated in
the workbook
SheetDeactivate OnSheetDeactivate After a sheet is deactivated in
the workbook
SheetCalculate OnCalculate After any recalculation in the
SheetBefore OnDoubleClick When a worksheet cell is double-
DoubleClick clicked
SheetSelection Not applicable When there is any change in cell
Change selection on a particular sheet
SheetBefore Not applicable When a worksheet cell is right-
RightClick clicked
SheetChange OnEntry When a user changes the formula
of a cell by typing, copy or
paste, drag or drop, or undo
PivotTableClose Not applicable After a PivotTable closes the
Connection connection to its data source
PivotTableOpen Not applicable After a PivotTable opens the
Connection connection to its data source
SheetFollow Not applicable When you click any hyperlink
SheetPivotTable Not applicable After the sheet of the
Update PivotTable report has been