OCX controls (DTPicker) in general wait for a pre-Update
notification before they issue an IRowset::SetData for the Provider to update
the data. This is not supported in providers because it would cause
re-reentrancy problems during pending updates. As a result, it waits for an
event that does not occur when using server-side cursors or it issues a
re-entrancy error message.
The client-side cursors allow an
IRowset::SetData within the client's update call; as a result, it works against
client-side cursors. Additionally, because all providers support pre-Move
notifications, an operation such as Move(0) also fires the event that causes
the IRowset::SetData to happen when using server-side cursors.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Create a Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is
created by default.
- On the Project menu, click Components, and then register the following controls with the project:Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0.
- On Project References, select Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library. Be sure to deselect Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 if it is
- On the default form (Form1), add the following controls:
- Add the following code to the form.
Note You must change User ID =<UID> and
password =<strong password> to the correct values before you run this
code. Make sure that <UID> has the appropriate permissions to
perform this operation on the database.
Option Explicit
' For SQL Server, change the Data source,
' Initial catalogue, user name and password here
Const SQLConnect As String = "Data Source = margerysp2w2k; Initial Catalog=northwind;user id=<uid>;password=<strong password>;"
'For Access, change the path to correctly point to the Northwind.MDB
Const AccessConnect As String = "Data Source=E:\Office2000sr1\Office\Samples\northwind.MDB"
Const TableName As String = "orders"
Const AccessProvider As String = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Const SQLProvider As String = "SQLOLEDB"
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub cmdopen_Click()
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
'Set up connection depending on option chosen
If Option1.Value Then ' Access is selected by default
With Cn
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.ConnectionString = AccessConnect
.Provider = AccessProvider
End With 'Access
With Cn
.ConnectionString = SQLConnect
.Provider = SQLProvider
End With 'SQL Server
End If
' Open the record set, and bind
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open "Select * from " & TableName, Cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
' Now bind
With Text1
.DataField = "shipcountry"
Set .DataSource = RS
End With
With DTPicker1
.DataField = "ShippedDate"
Set .DataSource = RS
End With 'datepicker
'Bind using the BindingCollection.
'Set bc = New BindingCollection
'Set bc.DataSource = RS
'bc.Add DTPicker1, "value", "ShippedDate"
'bc.Add Text1, "Text", "ShippedCountry"
End Sub
'Bind using the BindingCollection.
'Set bc = New BindingCollection
'Set bc.DataSource = RS
'bc.Add DTPicker1, "value", "ShippedDate"
'bc.Add Text1, "Text", "ShippedCountry"
Private Sub cmdupdate_Click()
With RS
End With 'RS
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Option1.Value = True
End Sub
- Modify the General Declarations sections as indicated in
the code comments.
- Test the preceding code by running it with either Microsoft
SQL Server or Microsoft Access. Click Open Database.
- Change the Country name only, and then click Update. Note that the Country name is updated.
- Change just the date in the DTPicker, and then click Update. Note that the datebase is updated and closed. Click Open Database again, and note that the date is not changed.
- Change both the Country and the date, click Update, and note that the error message cited in the "Symptoms" section
is displayed.
- Uncomment the followng lines:
Set bc = New BindingCollection
Set bc.DataSource = RS
bc.Add DTPicker1, "value", "ShippedDate"
bc.Add Text1, "Text", "ShippedCountry"
Comment out the following lines:
'With Text1
' .DataField = "ShippedCountry"
' Set .DataSource = RS
'End With
'With DTPicker1
' .DataField = "ShippedDate"
' Set .DataSource = RS
'End With 'datepicker
and repeat step 9. Both fields should be updated successfully.