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Ignored error flag reappears when worksheet is copied in Excel

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When you paste data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet into another Excel workbook, error indicators may appear in cells that return errors. This may occur even though you chose to ignore the errors in the original workbook.

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This issue can occur because the Ignore Error setting is designed to be workbook-specific.

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To resolve this issue, reset the error to be ignored. To ignore an error, follow these steps:
  1. Click the cell that contains the error indicator.
  2. Click the error-checking options flag. This flag appears next to a cell that has an error indicator in it.
  3. In the list of options, click Ignore Error.
Note You can ignore the same type of error in multiple cells by selecting a group of cells that contains the same error and then repeating steps 2 and 3. Other types of errors found in the selected range of cells will not be ignored.

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Keywords: KB282163, kbprb, kbpending

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Article Info
Article ID : 282163
Revision : 4
Created on : 2/8/2007
Published on : 2/8/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 361