NOTE: Because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the
following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see your
product documentation to complete these steps.
prevent Excel from loading the Tbrun97.xls files or Tbrun9.xls files, follow
these steps:
Note Because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the
following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see your
product documentation to complete these steps.
- Click Start, and then click
- In the Search Results window, click
All files and folders.
- In the All or part of the file name box,
type XLstart. In the Look in list,
click the drive where Excel is installed.
- Expand More advanced option, and then
under Type of file, in the drop-down list, select All
files and folders.
- Select the Search system folders and
Search hidden files and folders check boxes.
- Click Search.
- Double-click each of the folders that are found, and move or delete the Tbrun97.xls or Tbrun9.xls
file from each folder where it exists.
- Restart Excel, and confirm that the error message no longer