To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods, as appropriate for your situation.
Method 1: Reset the AD FS service endpoints to the default configuration
For information about how to make sure that the AD FS service endpoints are set up to support single sign-on (SSO) authentication, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
2712957�Sign in to Office 365, Windows Azure, or Windows Intune fails after you change the federation service endpoint
Method 2: Make sure that the AD FS service endpoint configuration is updated to Windows Azure AD
For information about how to make sure that the AD FS service endpoint configuration metadata is updated to the Windows Azure Active Directory (Windows Azure AD) authentication system, see the "How to update the configuration of the Office 365 federated domain" section of the following article:
2647048 How to update or to repair the configuration of the Office 365 federated domain
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Office 365 Community website or the
Windows Azure Active Directory Forums website.