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Migration and Upgrade Strategy for Office, Deployment Considerations for Office, and Customizing the Installation of Office.

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This document is to provide customers with information about best practices necessary to design, deploy, customize and manage an Office 2010 installation. These scenarios focus on tools to customize and maintain Office 2010, upgrading to Office 2010, various types of deployment methods, volume activation, and multilanguage deployments.


All Office Deployment Pro Advisory Support Offerings make the following assumptions:
  • The current Windows environment is healthy and configured per Microsoft�s hardware and software recommendations.
  • Any pre-existing configuration or other issues that might prevent a successful Office Deployment will be resolved prior to beginning work on the Pro Advisory offering as scoped. It is highly recommended that the customer perform appropriate Operating Systems health check and resolve any issues prior to beginning work on the Advisory Case Scope.
  • Should the customer request assistance with bringing the current environment to a healthy state, separate, break-fix Support Incidents will need to be opened to address each subordinate issue. Further, should any issues arise while performing agreed upon scoped tasks in Migration or New Installation scenarios, a maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be spent troubleshooting. This troubleshooting will be considered billed within the current advisory case. If the issue is not resolved in these thirty (30) minutes, a new, break-fix Support Incident will need to be opened at the customer�s cost to address the problem. The Advisory Support Engineer may work the Support Incident at their discretion.

Questions that choose the scenario and optional additions

  • Are they using a Volume Licensed version of Office?
    1. Do you have a Volume License version of Office?
      • No = This is not an advisory case, unless the customer needs assistance with some of the Migration and Upgrade Strategies covered in Scenario 1 below
      • Yes = Proceed
    2. Does your hardware and software meet the minimum requirements for installation of Office? See system requirements for Office 2007 and Office 2010.
      • No = This is not an advisory case, unless the customer can upgrade to the minimum hardware and software level
      • Yes = Proceed
  • The following questions will determine the Office Deployment Scenario(s) that will apply to the Pro Advisory request and ultimately the costs:
    1. Do you require assistance with migration of settings or files to the new version of Office?
      • Yes = Scenario 1 � Migration and Upgrade Strategy for Office
      • No = Proceed further with questions
    2. Do you require assistance with planning the deployment of Office, such as choosing a deployment method or a selecting a volume activation type?
      • Yes = Scenario 2 � Deployment Considerations for Office
      • No = Proceed further with questions
    3. Do you require assistance with customizing the installation of Office?
      • Scenario 3 � Customizing the Installation of Office
      • No = Proceed further with questions
  • Scenario 1 questions:
    1. Have you picked your deployment method?
      • Yes = Include information about the selected method unless customer is already familiar
      • No = Include overview of deployment options and help customer pick the best option for their environment.
    2. Will you be installing multiple languages?
      • Yes = include Multilanguage deployment information
      • No = Do not include Multilanguage deployment information
    3. Do you want to enforce Office user settings?
      • Yes = Include group policy settings information
      • No = Include user settings in OCT
    4. Do you have questions about planning for specific Office applications?
      • Yes = Include specific information on requested applications
      • No = Do not cover application planning
    5. How important is planning for security and accessibility?
      • Yes = Include security and/or accessibility information
      • No = Do not include security and accessibility information.

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Scenario 1: deployment considerations for office

Reasons to use this method: Customers who wish to deploy Office in an enterprise environment by following established best practices. Includes planning guidance and volume activation scenarios.

Scope (includes any combination of the following)
  • Choose an option for deploying Office
    • Network share.
    • Group Policy startup scripts.
    • Managed deployment.
    • Application virtualization.
    • Presentation virtualization.
  • Plan desktop configurations for Office
    • Plan for applications including OneNote, Outlook, Visio, and SharePoint Workspace/Groove.
    • Plan security for Office.
    • Plan Group Policy for Office.
    • Plan for multilanguage deployment of Office.
    • Plan for virtualization for Office.
    • Plan for Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services).
    • Plan for accessibility in Office.
  • Plan for volume activation of Office 2010
    • Volume activation overview.
    • Volume activation quick start guide for Office 2010.
    • Volume activation planning and types: KMS and MAK
    • Volume activation scenarios

Complexity Low - High

Bucket: Scenario 1

Collapse this tableExpand this table
TasksEstimate (minutes)Estimate (hours)
Choose a deployment method for Office.
Create and deploy from a network share: A simple way to deploy Office 2010 is to create a network installation point and copy the contents of the Microsoft Office CD onto the network share.150.25
Group Policy startup scripts: Administrators can use Group Policy to assign computer startup scripts to deploy Office.300.50
Managed deployment: Administrators can use change and configuration management software, such as Microsoft System Center Essentials and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager, to deploy Office applications.601.00
Application virtualization: Administrators can use Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) as part of a deployment option to allow users to run Office applications on their desktops. Microsoft Application Virtualization streams applications on demand to the desktop, from which the application is run.601.00
Presentation virtualization. Administrators can use Windows Server Terminal Services as a deployment option to allow users to operate the Office applications from their workstations. Terminal Services is run on a shared server and presents the application user interface on a remote system, such as a local workstation.601.00
Plan desktop configurations for Office
Plan for applications including OneNote, Outlook, Visio, and SharePoint Workspace/Groove.150.25
Plan security for Office. Plan a robust defense against threats while maintaining information worker productivity.300.50
Plan Group Policy for Office. Use Group Policy to configure and enforce settings for Office applications.300.50
Plan for multilanguage deployment of Office. Consider deploying Office with multiple languages.601.00
Plan for virtualization for Office. What virtualization is, how it can be used in organizations, and which method and type is best for specific environments.601.00
Plan for Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services). How to plan the deployment of Office by using Remote Desktop Services.300.50
Plan for accessibility in Office. Office products are more accessible to users who have disabilities.300.50
Plan for volume activation of Office
Volume activation overview. Microsoft includes product activation technologies in the following products sold through the Volume Licensing channel: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and now Microsoft Office 2010 client products.30.5
Volume activation planning and types: Key Management Service (KMS) and Multiple Activation Key (MAK)601.00
Volume activation scenarios (will vary depending on customers environment and what activation method they choose to deploy)30.5

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Scenario 2 � migration and upgrade strategy for office

Reasons to use this method: Customers upgrading from a previous version of Office who are looking for assistance with different upgrade scenarios, and/or customers requiring assistance with the migration of settings, and/or migration of files, and customers needing help with compatibility assessments would fall under this scenario.

Scope (includes any combination of the following)
  • Planning an upgrade to Office:
    • In-place upgrade
    • Uninstall and upgrade:
      • When upgrading to Office 2007
      • When upgrading to Office 2010
    • Upgrades involving new operating system � Migration performed by using the User State Migration Tool (USMT). Note: For assistance with this, the Windows team should be engaged
  • Steps for migration of User Data registry keys:
    • Migrated Office 2003 settings
    • Migrated Office 2007 settings
  • Process of application compatibility assessment and remediation:
    • Use and Implementation of Office Migration Planning Manager
    • For Office 2010:
      • Use and Implementation of the Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT)
      • Use and Implementation of the Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI)
  • Others:
    • Considerations and Recommendations around use of 64-Bit versions of Office 2010

Complexity Low - High

Bucket: Scenario 2

Collapse this tableExpand this table
TasksEstimate (minutes)Estimate (hours)
Planning an upgrade to Office:
In-place upgrade300.50
Uninstall and upgrade
When upgrading to Office 2007601.00
When upgrading to Office 2010601.00
Steps for migration of User Data registry keys:
Migrated Office 2003 settings1202.00
Migrated Office 2007 settings1202.00
Process of application compatibility assessment and remediation:901.50
Use and Implementation of Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM)
For Office 2010:
Use and Implementation of the Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT)450.75
Use and Implementation of the Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI)450.75
Considerations and Recommendations around use of 64-Bit versions of Office 2010300.5

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Scenario 3: customizing the installation of office

Reasons to use this method: Customers who wish to deploy Office in an enterprise environment with specific customizations, such as display mode, including/excluding applications or features, security settings, configuring default or enforcing user settings via policies, and options related to Outlook/Exchange profiles would fall under this scenario.

Scope (includes any combination of the following)
    Customize setup
    • Office Customization Tool (OCT) overview
    • Config.xml file
    • Customize Setup before installing Office
    • Configure a silent installation of Office
    • Volume activation options (*1)
      • KMS
      • MAK
      • Implementation (OCT generated MSP or customized Config.xml file)
    • Configure feature installation states for Office
    • Configure user settings for Office
    • Run arbitrary commands with installations of Office
    • 32/64-bit OCT architecture and Import functionality(*2)
    • View XML content from Office Customization Tool customization files

    Customize specific features
    • Customize language setup and settings(*3)
    • Customize the Office user interface
      • Deploy a customized Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar (*4)
      • Deploy Quick Access Toolbar customizations(*5)
    • Enforce settings by using Group Policy
    • Disable user interface items and shortcut keys

    Configure security(*6)
    • Configure security settings by using the Office Customization Tool and Group Policy (Overview)
    • Configure trusted locations and trusted publishers settings by using the OCT and Group Policy
    • Configure security settings for ActiveX controls, add-ins, and macros by using the OCT and Group Policy
    • Configure privacy options using the OCT and Group Policy
    • Configure document protection settings using the OCT and Group Policy

    Configure Outlook
    • Configure Outlook profiles by using the OCT
    • Configure Outlook Anywhere
    • Configure Cached Exchange Mode
    • Configure Exchange Server send/receive settings
    • Configure multiple Exchange accounts(*7)
    • Customize Outlook profiles by using a PRF file

Bucket: Scenario 3

Collapse this tableExpand this table
TasksEstimate (minutes)Estimate (hours)
Customize setup
Office Customization Tool (OCT) overview: Used to customize an installation of Office. The OCT is part of the Setup program, is the recommended tool for most customizations, and available only with volume license versions of Office300.50
Config.xml file: Used to configure installation tasks and is used only while running Setup; it is not installed or cached on users' computers. Administrators can edit the Config.xml file to customize the installation at a high level.300.50
Customize Setup before installing Office: Setup controls the complete installation. This includes processes that Windows Installer handled in Office versions earlier than the 2007 Office system. Customizing the default behavior of Setup lets you control the process � for example, to run the installation without user interaction, to handle the product key and the Microsoft Software License Terms on behalf of users, and to specify an organization name or a different installation location.150.25
Volume activation options(*1): Activation for the 2007 Microsoft Office system was required only for Microsoft software purchased from retail stores and OEMs. Product keys entered in Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 bypassed activation. For Office 2010, the activation method uses Office Activation Technologies, based on the Software Protection Platform introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
KMS (Key Management Service)150.25
MAK (Multiple Activation Key)150.25
OCT generated MSP150.25
Customized Config.xml file150.25
Configure user settings for Office: There are many user settings that you can configure in the OCT to customize the user's environment. When you configure a user setting, that setting is in place when the user first runs an Office application.
SharePoint Workspace(*8)100.16
Configure feature installation states for Office: Use the OCT to change the default way that Office features are installed, setting some to be installed on the user's computer, some to be installed only on first use, and some not to be installed.
SharePoint Workspace(*8)50.08
Office Shared Features50.08
Office Tools50.08
Microsoft Visio Viewer50.08
Microsoft Word50.08
Microsoft InfoPath
Add installations and run programs: By default, the Setup program for the Microsoft Office system installs one Office product at a time. You can use the chaining feature to customize Setup to run an arbitrary command or a lightweight executable that you want to run when this product is installed.200.33
32/64-bit OCT architecture and Import functionality(*2): Office 2010 includes two architecture-specific versions of the OCT, one for 32-bit Office 2010 and one for 64-bit Office 2010. You can import a 32-bit .msp file into the 64-bit OCT, and the .msp can then be used to customize 64-bit Office 2010 products and vice versa.100.16
View XML content from Office Customization Tool customization files:Use a Visual Basic script to view an XML file which lists the settings stored in Setup customization (MSP) files.200.33
Customize specific features
Customize language setup and settings: Use Office Language Packs to create and edit in multiple languages, change the Office user interface language settings, proof documents in many languages, and access localized help.
Specify one or more languages to be installed on client computers450.75
Deploy different languages to different groups of users150.25
Customize language settings150.25
Customize and install the Office Proofing Tools Kit200.33
Customize the Office user interface: In the 2007 Office system, the Ribbon extensibility model was introduced. In Office 2010, the Office Fluent UI is fully customizable. This includes the ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the built-in context menus.
Deploy a customized Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar(*4)300.50
Deploy Quick Access Toolbar customizations(*5)300.50
Enforce settings by using Group Policy: Use Group Policy settings to define and maintain an Office configuration on users' computers. Unlike other customizations (i.e., default settings distributed in a Setup customization file), policy settings are enforced and can be used to create highly managed or lightly managed configurations.450.75
Disable user interface items and shortcut keys: Administrators can use Group Policy to disable commands and menu items for Office applications by specifying the toolbar control ID (TCID) for Office controls.200.33
Configure security
Configure security settings by using the Office Customization Tool and Group Policy (Overview) 300.50
Configure trusted locations and trusted publishers settings by using the OCT and Group Policy: Use OCT and Group Policy to disable trusted locations, specify shared folders as trusted locations, restrict trusted locations, and add trusted publishers/digital certificates.150.25
Configure security settings for ActiveX controls, add-ins, and macros by using the OCT and Group Policy: Change the manner in which ActiveX and Visual Basic for Applications functions, or disable it completely.150.25
Configure privacy options using the OCT and Group Policy: Minimize external exposure of private information.100.08
Configure document protection settings using the OCT and Group Policy: Encryption settings/options.100.08
Configure Outlook
Configure Outlook profiles by using the OCT: Using the OCT, you can create Outlook profiles, modify the settings in existing Outlook profiles, Exchange server connections, and define other account information.200.33
Configure Outlook Anywhere: Configure user accounts in Microsoft Outlook to connect to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later over the Internet without using virtual private network (VPN) connections. This feature�connecting to an Exchange account by using Outlook Anywhere�enables Outlook users to access their Exchange Server accounts from the Internet when they are traveling or are working outside their organization's firewall.150.25
Configure Cached Exchange Mode: When a Microsoft Outlook account is configured to use Cached Exchange Mode, Outlook works from a local copy of a user's Exchange mailbox stored in an Offline Folder file (.ost) on the user's computer and with the offline address book (OAB). The cached mailbox and OAB are updated periodically from the Exchange server.150.25
Configure Exchange Server send/receive settings: Define Send/Receive groups for users' Microsoft Exchange Server accounts and folders and specify tasks that are performed on each group during a Send/Receive action in Outlook.150.25
Configure multiple Exchange accounts(*7): With Outlook 2010, you can add, modify, or remove multiple Exchange Server e-mail accounts to an Outlook profile the same way you can for other e-mail accounts by using the OCT. Without any additional configuration, Outlook 2010 can connect to up to ten Exchange accounts from a single profile.150.25
Customize Outlook profiles by using a PRF file: Outlook profile files (PRF) allow you to quickly create MAPI profiles for users. By using a PRF file, you can set up new profiles for users or modify existing profiles without affecting other aspects of your installation. You can also manually edit a PRF file to customize Outlook to include settings or MAPI services that are not included in the OCT user interface.150.25
  • (*1) Volume license activation is specific to Microsoft Office 2010. Refer to Scenario 1 for further information.
  • (*2) Office 2010 includes two architecture-specific versions of the OCT, one for 32-bit & another for 64-bit Office.
  • (*3) See the "Plan for multilanguage deployment of Office" section of Scenario 1 for further information.�
  • (*4) In Office 2010, Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar customizations are stored in *.officeUI files
  • (*5) In Office 2007, Quick Access Toolbar customizations are stored in *.qat files.
  • (*6) See the "Plan security for Office " section of Scenario 1 for further information.
  • (*7) The Office 2010 version of the OCT allows for configuring multiple Exchange accounts.
  • (*8) SharePoint Workspace 2010 is the new name for and succeeds Microsoft Office Groove 2007. Product overview
  • If customer wants a review of topics rather than a deep dive we can cut down the amount of time spent on each topic by 50%.
  • Time estimates for tools are based on assistance with setting up the processes and does not include time for processing of data through these tools or troubleshooting of problems.

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Scenario 1: Deployment Considerations for Office

Choose a deployment method for Office.

  • Precache the local installation source. Provides information and procedures to deploy the local installation source separately before you deploy Office
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Run Setup from the local installation source for Office. Provides information and procedures to run Setup directly from the local installation source.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office to users who are not administrators. Provides information about how to install Office on computers where users lack administrative permissions.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office with limited network capacity. Provides information about how to deploy Office in an environment that has limited network resources.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office by running Setup from a network share. Provides information about how to run Setup from a network installation point to deploy Office, and how to test in a nonproduction environment before you deploy to a production environment.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office by using System Center Configuration Manager 2007. Provides detailed technical guidance on the processes and procedures when you use Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 to deploy Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office by using System Center Essentials. Provides detailed technical guidance on the processes and procedures when you use Microsoft System Center Essentials to deploy Office
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office by using Group Policy startup scripts. Provides detailed technical guidance on the processes and procedures when you use Group Policy to assign computer startup scripts to deploy Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Deploy Office by using Microsoft Application Virtualization. Provides detailed technical guidance on the processes and procedures when you use Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) to deploy Office in a medium-sized organization.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

Plan desktop configurations for Office.

  • Plan for Outlook. Guides you through the things to consider when you deploy Microsoft Outlook.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for OneNote. Describes how to plan a deployment of Microsoft OneNote.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for SharePoint Workspace / Groove.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for Visio. Describes some of the customizations and options that are available in Microsoft Visio.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan Group Policy for Office. Provides information about how to use Group Policy to configure and enforce settings for Office applications.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan security for Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for Multilanguage deployment of Office. Discusses planning considerations for deploying Office with multiple languages.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for virtualization of Office. Describes what virtualization is, how you can use virtualization in your organization, and which method and type is best for your environment.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services). Provides information about how to plan the deployment of Office by using Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services).
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Plan for accessibility in Office. Provides an overview of accessibility features in Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

Plan for volume activation.

  • Volume activation overview. Provides an overview of Microsoft Volume Licensing and Office Activation Technologies.
    Office 2010
  • Plan volume activation. Describes how to plan for volume activation by using Office Activation Technologies.
    Office 2010
  • Plan MAK independent activation. Describes how to plan for a deployment of Office by using Multiple Activation Key (MAK) independent activation.
    Office 2010
  • Plan MAK proxy activation. Describes how to plan for a deployment of Office by using MAK proxy activation.
    Office 2010
  • Plan KMS activation. Describes how to plan for a deployment of Office by using Management Service (KMS) activation.
    Office 2010
  • Volume activation FAQ. Provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the various aspects of volume activation of Office.
    Office 2010
  • Volume activation scenarios.
    Office 2010

Scenario 2 � Migration and Upgrade Strategy for Office:

  • Planning an Upgrade to Office. This article describes the upgrade process for Microsoft Office 2010, including the various upgrade options and data migration paths.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • User State Migration Tool 4.0 User�s Guide. Windows� User State Migration Tool (USMT) 4.0 is a scriptable command-line tool that provides a highly-customizable user-profile migration experience for IT professionals. USMT includes two components, ScanState and LoadState, and a set of modifiable .xml files.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Migration of User Data Registry Keys. This article lists � in alphabetical order for Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007 Microsoft Office system applications � the registry keys that are migrated when you use either the in-place upgrade or the uninstall-upgrade of Microsoft Office 2010.
    Office 2010
  • Plan and Prepare for Migration of Files. Changes such as the new file format and new Setup architecture require careful planning and preparation before upgrading. Your migration planning will include evaluating the files in your environment, identifying potential conversion issues, and reviewing migration considerations for each program within Office system.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT). OEAT is a free downloadable executable (.exe) file that scans client computers for add-ins and applications that interact with Microsoft Office 97, Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, and Microsoft Office 2010. You use OEAT during the assessment phase of your application compatibility and remediation project.
    Office 2010
  • Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI). The Microsoft Office Code Compatibility Inspector is a tool that you can use in Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Microsoft Word 2010, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to troubleshoot and resolve issues with your Microsoft Visual Basic for Application (VBA) Macros and add-ins. The tool scans your code for known compatibility issues, and then notifies you if it finds items in the code from the object model that have changed in some way or have been removed.
    Office 2010
  • 64-bit Editions of Office 2010. The 64-bit systems can use more virtual and physical memory than 32-bit systems. This lets users work with much larger data sets than they could previously, and to analyze and solve large computational problems. Microsoft Office 2010 introduces native 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office products to take advantage of this larger capacity.
    Office 2010

Scenario 3: Customizing the Installation of Office

Customize setup

  • Customize Office overview. Summary of customization tools and methods for Microsoft Office, including the Office Customization Tool (OCT), the Config.xml file, or the Setup command-line options.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Customize Setup before installing Office. Information and procedures related to customize Setup before installing Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure feature installation states for Office. Information and procedures related to customize Setup to configure feature installation states.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure user settings for Office. information and procedures related to configuring Office user settings by using the Office Customization Tool (OCT).
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Create different configurations of Office for different groups of users. information and procedures related to creating unique configurations of Office for each group.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Import an Office Setup customization file. Information and procedures used to import an OCT Setup customization file (.msp file) in Office.
    Office 2010
  • Configure a silent installation of Office. Information and procedures related to configuring a silent installation by using the Config.xml file.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Run arbitrary commands with installations of Office. Information and procedures related to customizing Setup to run an arbitrary command or a lightweight executable to in conjunction with the installation of an Office product.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Create custom configurations of Office. How to deploy an initial customized installation of Office to users in an organization.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • View XML content from Office Customization Tool customization files. Administrators can use a sample Microsoft Visual Basic script to view the settings that are stored in Setup customization (.msp) files.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

Customize specific features

  • Customize language setup and settings. Manage the distribution of multiple language versions when you deploy Microsoft Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Customize the Office user interface. Resources to help customize the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface (UI) in Office.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Enforce settings by using Group Policy. Procedural information for using the Group Policy Management Console and the Group Policy Object Editor together with the Office Administrative Templates.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Disable user interface items and shortcut keys. Background and procedural information related to disabling user interface (UI) items and keyboard shortcuts in Office by using Group Policy.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

Configure security

  • You can configure security settings by using the Office Customization Tool, and by using the Office Administrative Templates (.adm or admx files) with Group Policy.
  • Configure security settings by using the Office Customization Tool (Overview)
    Office 2010
  • Configure security settings by using Group Policy (Overview)
    Office 2010
  • Configure trusted locations and trusted publishers settings by using the OCT and Group Policy. Disable trusted locations, specify shared folders as trusted locations, and restrict trusted locations.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure security settings for ActiveX controls, add-ins, and macros by using the OCT and Group Policy. Disable ActiveX controls, change the way ActiveX controls are initialized, disable add-ins/configure behavior, and configure settings for macros.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure privacy options using the OCT and Group Policy. Maximize the protection of private and personal information in the Office files.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure document protection settings using the OCT and Group Policy. Configure encryption settings for Office Open XML and Office 97-2003 format files.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

Configure Outlook

  • Configure Outlook Anywhere. Requirements and options for configuring a group of Outlook user accounts to use Outlook Anywhere.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure Cached Exchange Mode. How to configure Cached Exchange Mode for Microsoft Exchange Server e-mail accounts in Microsoft Outlook.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure Exchange Server send/receive settings. How to define Send/Receive groups for users' Microsoft Exchange Server accounts and folders and specify tasks that are performed on each group during a Send/Receive operation in Microsoft Outlook.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Configure multiple Exchange accounts. How to configure multiple Microsoft Exchange Server e-mail accounts for a Microsoft Outlook 2010 profile.
    Office 2010
  • Configure security and protection. How to configure e-mail security, protection, and privacy in Microsoft Outlook.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007
  • Customize Outlook profiles by using a PRF file. Use the Microsoft Outlook profile file (.prf) to quickly create MAPI profiles for users, how to edit the profiles, and how to apply the profiles.
    Office 2010 / Office 2007

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Keywords: kbhowto, kbsurveynew, kbinfo, kbproadvisory, kbexpertiseadvanced, KB2283230

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Article Info
Article ID : 2283230
Revision : 4
Created on : 7/22/2010
Published on : 7/22/2010
Exists online : False
Views : 870