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OFF2000: "Keep these programs" Check Box Unavailable

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This article was previously published under Q226517

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When you run the Office Setup program and you click Customize in the Ready to Install dialog box, the Keep these programs check box is unavailable in the Remove Previous Versions dialog box.

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The Keep these programs check box may be unavailable if any of the following are true:
You are installing Office into the same folder as an earlier version of Office. -or-

You originally installed an earlier version of Office to the default \Program Files\Microsoft Office folder, then uninstalled it and reinstalled it to a different folder. In this case, the assumption is that you are installing Office into the default \Program Files\Microsoft Office folder. -or-

You have an earlier version of Office installed to a folder other than the folder to which you are installing Office 2000, but you have an Office family program, Microsoft Project 98 for example, installed in the same folder in which you are installing Office 2000.

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To work around any of the above situations, follow these steps:

1.In the Microsoft Office 2000: Removing Previous Versions dialog box click Back.
2.In the Microsoft Office 2000 Installation Location dialog box, change the folder specified in the Install Office 2000 at: box to something other than the previous or current location of your earlier Office installation.
3.Click Next.
The Keep these programs check box will now be available.

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Keywords: kbprb, KB226517

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Article Info
Article ID : 226517
Revision : 4
Created on : 1/24/2007
Published on : 1/24/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 493