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OFF2000: Setup of Second Office 2000 CD, Does Not Remember Previous CD's Installation Path

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This article was previously published under Q217674

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When you install one of the products listed above and then install a second product listed above (CD1 or CD2 in the case of Microsoft Office), the default installation location of the second product is not the location where you installed the previous product.

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This behavior occurs when the following are true:
  • You customize the installation of the original product to install to a location other than the default. -and-

  • You choose the default installation location when installing the second product. -or-

  • You click Install Now at the Ready to Install dialog box.
When installing either CD1 or CD2 of Office, as well as any other product listed above, the default installation location is
Windows drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Office

where Windows drive is the drive Windows is installed to. The setup of CD1 and CD2 of Office does not check for the installation location of the previously installed CD. This is also true for all the products listed above.

NOTE: When you install Office, if the Setup program detects that you have installed a distributed application using Access run-time files, the default folder for Setup is <Windows drive>\Program Files\Office2k. This is to prevent disabling the Access run-time application.

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To resolve this problem, obtain Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1/1a (SR-1/SR-1a).

To obtain SR-1/SR-1a, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
245025� OFF2000: How to Obtain and Install Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1/1a (SR-1/SR-1a)
To temporarily work around this problem, when you run Setup of any of the products listed above, manually specify the custom installation location that you specified during the first installation. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
  2. Click Start, and click Run.
  3. Type the following text, and click OK
    drive letter:\Setup
    where drive letter is the letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive.
  4. Type your customer information and CD Key, and then click Next.
  5. Accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.
  6. Click Customize.
  7. In the Installation Location dialog box, type the same path used in the previous installation or click Browse to browse to the path, and then click Next.
  8. Continue through the installation, making the desired choices until you complete installation.

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Keywords: kbnofix, kbprb, KB217674

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Article Info
Article ID : 217674
Revision : 5
Created on : 1/24/2007
Published on : 1/24/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 473