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Web page saved in Excel displays differently in Web browser

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This article was previously published under Q210320

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When you modify a Web page in Microsoft Excel and then open that Web page in your browser, the page may not appear as expected. Some HTML elements have changed, and others may be removed from the page.

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This problem may occur if you use Microsoft Excel to edit an HTML file that you created in a program other than Excel.

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More information

When you save your workbook in the HTML file format, Excel-specific markup tags are embedded in the file. These markup tags help "round-trip" the document for editing purposes. For example, if you create a workbook in Excel and save it in the HTML file format, the code embedded in the file allows you to reopen the file in Excel and use the same features you originally used to create the page. Therefore, you should not use Excel to modify existing Web pages created in other programs.

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Keywords: KB210320, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 210320
Revision : 5
Created on : 1/23/2007
Published on : 1/23/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 849