To fix this issue, use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Add the domain to Office 365 and verify it
If a domain isn't associated with the organization in question, it's considered an external domain. This association is set up by adding a new accepted domain in Exchange Online. To add a new accepted domain to the list of available domains in Exchange Online, the domain must be added as a verified domain in the Office 365 portal.
For more information about how to add and verify a domain in Office 365, go to one of the following Microsoft websites:
Method 2: Disable the External Recipients MailTip
To disable the External Recipients MailTip, follow these steps:
- Connect to Exchange Online by using�remote PowerShell. For more information about how do to this, go to the following Microsoft website:
- Run the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet:
Set-OrganizationConfig -MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled $false