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OFF2000: Remove All Doesn't Remove Temporary Shortcut Bar Files

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This article was previously published under Q199879

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If you run the Microsoft Office 2000 Setup program in maintenance mode and click Remove Office, the Setup program does not remove a number of folders, shortcuts to files, and .tmp files located in the following folder:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Shortcut Bar

NOTE: The name and location of your Windows folder may be different depending on what you chose when you installed Microsoft Windows.

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These folders, shortcuts, and .tmp files are all temporary files or folders that are created by the Microsoft Office 2000 Shortcut Bar. The Setup program does not remove the files because they were not installed by Office Setup. When you use the Remove Office option in the Office Setup program, the only files that are removed are those originally installed with Office.

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After you remove Office, you can safely delete the folders and shortcut files in the Shortcut Bar folder.

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More information

When you run the Office Shortcut Bar, a number of .tmp files are created in the Shortcut Bar folder on your hard drive. The names of the files resemble the following:

Additionally, if you select the Office toolbar on the Office Shortcut Bar, an Office subfolder is created in the Shortcut Bar folder. The Office folder will contain shortcuts to Office programs similar to the following:
Microsoft Excel.lnk
Microsoft Word.lnk
New Appointment.lnk
New Message.lnk
Additional folders may be created for each custom toolbar you create. All of these folders and files are not removed when you click Remove Office to remove the installation. If you want to remove these files, you must delete them manually from the Shortcut Bar folder.

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Keywords: kbprb, KB199879

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Article Info
Article ID : 199879
Revision : 4
Created on : 1/23/2007
Published on : 1/23/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 556