The default representation for sheet name is compressed Unicode. Compressed
Unicode uses one byte to represent the two-byte Unicode value of a
character. It correctly assumes the high-order byte is zero, and stores
only the low-order code for the letter or number at that character
If the sheet name is truly double-byte code, it is stored as uncompressed
Unicode. Each character requires two bytes. Consequently, the name requires
more space than that required for compressed Unicode.
The BIFF8 record uses the single byte at offset 11 to hold a flag
indicating uncompressed Unicode. If that flag is binary one, the cch value
at offset 10 is the count of double-byte characters beginning at offset 12.
The BIFF8 Record Data table at the top of Page 291 should read as follows:
4 lbPlyPos 4 Stream position of the start of the BOF
record for the sheet.
8 grbit 2 Option flags.
10 cch 1 Length of sheet name in characters, not bytes.
11 grbitChr 1 Compressed/uncompressed Unicode.
12 rgch var Sheet name.
The following examples compare values with and without Unicode compression:
Uncompressed: Beginning at Offset 4 (16 bytes)
20 0b 00 00 00 00 04 01 e5 5d 5c 4f 68 88 31 00
The BOF for this sheet starts at 00 00 0b 20. Note the byte-swapping that
is explained on page 268 of the printed edition of the Excel SDK.
The option flags 00 00 tell you that this BOUNDSHEET record applies to a
visible worksheet.
The cch value of 04 says the sheet name is 4 characters long.
The grbitChr value 01 means the sheet name is uncompressed Unicode, and
each character is stored in 2 bytes - seen in the rgch field.
In the next 8 bytes the rgch field stores 5d-e5 4f-5c 88-68 00-31
Compressed: Beginning at Offset 4 (14 bytes)
17 0d 00 00 00 00 06 00 53 68 65 65 74 32
The BOF for this sheet starts at 00 00 0d 17.
The option flags, 00 00, tell you that the BOUNDSHEET record applies to a
worksheet that is visible.
The cch value of 06 says the sheet name is 6 characters long.
The grbitChr value of 00 means the sheet name is compressed Unicode, each
character in the name is stored in one byte, with an assumed value of 00hex
in the missing high-order byte of the character.
Hence, the sheet name is in 6 characters stored in 6 bytes as 53 68 65 65
74 32.