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How to access MAPI Address Books by using Collaboration Data Objects 1.x

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Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.1 supports programmatic access to MAPI Address Books through the AddressEntries collection of an AddressList object. Each AddressList object corresponds to a MAPI Address Book and is a member of the AddressLists collection of the Session object.

The available Address Books can be enumerated by walking the AddressLists collection, and an individual address book can be selected by indexing the AddressLists collection by name or by position.

The following sample code walks the AddressLists collection, and displays information about each address book that can be accessed. The second part of the sample selects the global address list (GAL) and then walks the Address Entries, recursively expanding Distribution Lists.

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More information

The following sample code applies to any 32-bit Visual Basic-based product.

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.

Step-by-step example

  1. Create a new Visual Basic project. Add a reference to the Collaboration Data Objects 1.1 Object Library.
  2. Type the following code into a module.
          Option Explicit
          Sub main()
              Dim objSession As MAPI.Session        ' Use early binding for
                                                    ' efficiency.
              Dim collAddressLists As AddressLists
              Dim objAddressList As AddressList
              Dim collAddressEntries As AddressEntries
              On Error GoTo error_olemsg
              ' Create a session and log on.
              Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
              ' Use a valid Exchange profile name.
              objSession.Logon ("<Your Profile Name Here>")
              'Walk the available address books.
              Set collAddressLists = objSession.AddressLists
              For Each objAddressList In collAddressLists
                   ' Display collection selection indices.
                   Debug.Print objAddressList.Name,
                   Debug.Print objAddressList.Index,
                   ' Display the readonly access flag.
                   Debug.Print objAddressList.IsReadOnly,
                   ' Display the count of recipients.
                   Set collAddressEntries = objAddressList.AddressEntries
                   Debug.Print Str(collAddressEntries.Count)
                   ' If there are any AddressEntries, display the first recipient name.
                   If Not objAddressList.AddressEntries(1) Is Nothing Then _
                        Debug.Print objAddressList.AddressEntries(1).Name
              Next objAddressList
              ' Walk the global address list.
              Set collAddressEntries = objSession.AddressLists( _
                       "Global Address List").AddressEntries
              WalkAddressList collAddressEntries
              ' Close the session and log off.
              Exit Sub
                   MsgBox "Error " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$(Err)
                   Exit Sub
          End Sub
          ' Walk an AddressEntries collection and recursively expand
          ' Distribution Lists.
          Sub WalkAddressList(collAddressEntries As AddressEntries)
              Dim objaddressEntry As AddressEntry
              For Each objaddressEntry In collAddressEntries
                   ' Display the recipient's name.
                   Debug.Print objaddressEntry.Name,
                   ' Display the recipient's type.
                   Select Case objaddressEntry.DisplayType
                   Case ActMsgUser
                       Debug.Print "Exchange Recipient"
                   Case ActMsgDistList
                       Debug.Print "Distribution List"
                       WalkAddressList objaddressEntry.Members
                       Debug.Print "End of DL " & objaddressEntry.Name
                   Case ActMsgForum
                       Debug.Print "Public Folder"
                   Case ActMsgAgent
                       Debug.Print "Agent"
                   Case ActMsgPrivateDistList
                       Debug.Print "Private DL"
                   Case ActMsgOrganization
                       Debug.Print "Organization"
                   Case ActMsgRemoteUser
                       Debug.Print "Custom Recipient"
                   Case Else
                       Debug.Print "Unknown type"
                   End Select
              Next objaddressEntry
          End Sub
  3. Visual Basic only: Set Sub Main to run in the Project Properties, and then run the application.

    Other VBA applications: In the Debug/Immediate window, type MAIN, and then press ENTER. The output will appear in the Debug/Immediate window.


The address book can have restricted entries. Restricted entries will generate an "Access Denied" message:
Error -2147024891: [Collaboration Data Objects - [E_ACCESSDENIED(80070005)]]
The user can include additional error handling where required.

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Documentation for Active Messaging is available in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library under the following topics:
  • SDK Documentation
  • Platform SDK
  • Databases and Messaging Services
  • Active Messaging
For more information about how to obtain Collaboration Data Objects Libraries, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
171440 Where to acquire the CDO Libraries (all versions)

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Keywords: kbhowto, kbprogramming, KB172093

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Article Info
Article ID : 172093
Revision : 11
Created on : 10/25/2007
Published on : 10/25/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 771