'% File: ADOselect.asp
'% Author: Aaron L. Barth (MS)
'% Purpose: For testing ADO connectivity to any ODBC Datasource
'% Disclaimer: This code is to be used for sample purposes only
'% Microsoft does not guarantee its functionality
if Request("REQUESTTYPE") <> "POST" then
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % If the request does not contain REQUESTTYPE = "POST
' % then display Form Page
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dsn = Session("dsn")
dbuser = Session("dbuser")
dbpass = Session("dbpass")
dbtable = Session("dbtable")
dbfield = Session("dbfield")
dbwhere = Session("dbwhere")
<FORM ACTION=adoselect.asp method=POST>
<TR><TD><B>You are authenticated as: </TD>
<TR><TD><B>Your IP Address is: </TD>
<TR><TD><B>System DSN:</TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=datasource VALUE="<% = dsn %>"></TD></TR>
<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username VALUE="<% = dbuser %>"></TD></TR>
<TD><INPUT TYPE=Password NAME=password VALUE="<% = dbpass
<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=table VALUE="<% = dbtable %>"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>Field to Query:</TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=field VALUE="<% = dbfield %>"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>Value to Query:</TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=where VALUE="<% = dbwhere %>"></TD></TR>
<INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE="Query Database">
'% Perform Query to Database
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the datsource from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dsn = Request("datasource")
Session("dsn") = dsn
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the username from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dbuser = Request("username")
Session("dbuser") = dbuser
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the password from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dbpass = Request("password")
Session("dbpass") = dbpass
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the table from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dbtable = Request("table")
Session("dbtable") = dbtable
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the table from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dbfield = Request("field")
Session("dbfield") = dbfield
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Request the table from the Previous Form
' % Set the Session variable so we can retrieve the
' % value for the next query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dbwhere = Request("where")
Session("dbwhere") = dbwhere
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Check to see if any of the requested values are blank, IF they
' % are, then inform the user which variables are blank ELSE
' % Continue with the query
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if dsn = "" OR dbuser = "" OR dbtable = "" then
Response.write "Error in SQL Statement:<BR>"
if dsn = "" then
Response.write "<FONT COLOR=RED>Missing System DSN</FONT><P>"
end if
if dbuser = "" then
Response.write "<FONT COLOR=RED>Missing Username</FONT><P>"
end if
if dbtable = "" then
Response.write "<FONT COLOR=RED>Missing Tablename</FONT><P>"
end if
Response.write "<FORM ACTION=adoselect.asp><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Create the Conn Object and open it
' % with the supplied parameters
' % System DSN, UserID, Password
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Conn.Open dsn, dbuser, dbpass
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Build the SQL Statement and assign it
' % to the variable sql. Concatinating the dbtable and the SELECT
' % statement
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if dbfield = "" OR dbwhere ="" then
sql="SELECT * FROM " & dbtable
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % IF dbfield and dbwhere are specified, then
' % change the SQL statement to use the WHERE clause
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
sql="SELECT * FROM " & dbtable
sql = sql & " WHERE " & dbfield
sql = sql & " LIKE '%" & dbwhere & "%'"
end if
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % For Debugging, Echo the SQL Statement
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
sql & "<HR>"
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Open the RecordSet (RS) and pass it
' % the connection (conn) and the SQL Statement (sql)
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
RS.Open sql, Conn
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Loop through Fields Names and print out the Field Names
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
For i = 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1
<TD><B><% = RS(i).Name %></B></TD>
<% Next %>
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Loop through rows, displaying each field
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Do While Not RS.EOF
<% For i = 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1 %>
<TD VALIGN=TOP><% = RS(i) %></TD>
<% Next %>
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
' % Make sure to close the Result Set and the Connection object
' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
end if
end if