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OFF: Office Only Runs on Intel-Based Computers

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This article was previously published under Q138010

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The products that are listed at the beginning of this article contain code that is specifically designed to run only on computers with an Intel i386- family microprocessor. Computers with other types of microprocessors may emulate the Intel command set; however, Microsoft does not support running the products listed at the beginning of this article under emulation.

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More information

Other systems may not be able to run the products listed at the beginning of this article due to the specific design of the software itself. Systems that will not run the products that are listed at the beginning of this article include: Digital Equipment Corporation's Alpha System, MIPS systems, and Apple Computers' PowerPC systems. When you attempt to install or run Microsoft Office version 7.0 on one of these systems, you may receive any of the following error messages:
This program was not intended for this version of Windows
Unexpected DOS Error: 11
Microsoft Excel 97, AlphaGeneration Version and Microsoft Word 97, AlphaGeneration Version are designed to run under Microsoft Windows NT on Alpha RISC systems.
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Keywords: kbsetup, kbenv, kberrmsg, kbinfo, KB138010

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Article Info
Article ID : 138010
Revision : 7
Created on : 1/19/2007
Published on : 1/19/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 608