These load failures do not necessarily indicate a problem. It is
common for some, if not all, of these load attempts to fail, depending on your system
configuration. The following sections of this article contain more information about the causes of specific types of load failures.
LoadFailed = dsound
Many sound drivers are DirectSound-enabled. DirectSound is part of
Microsoft DirectX, a set of libraries that are used by most Windows-based
games. When a DirectSound-enabled sound driver is loaded, the driver attempts to
register with the DirectSound library so that games can use the library. If no
DirectX-based games are installed on your computer, the DirectSound
library is not loaded. This behavior is typical.
LoadFailed = ebios
If the extended basic input/output system (BIOS) driver does not find an extended BIOS, the driver is not loaded.
LoadFailed = ndis2sup.vxd
If the network driver interface specification (NDIS) 2 support driver does not find any NDIS 2 drivers to support,
the driver is not loaded.
LoadFailed = vpowerd
If the Advanced Power Management (APM) driver determines that your computer
does not support APM, the driver is not loaded. However, APM support might be disabled. To determine if APM is disabled in Device Manager:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click System, and then click the Device Manager tab.
- Double-click to expand System Devices.
- Double-click Advanced Power Management Support to open its properties. (If Advanced Power Management Support is not listed, your computer does not support APM.)
- Click the Settings tab.
- Verify that the Enable Power Management Support check box is selected.
LoadFailed = vserver.vxd
Vserver.vxd saves memory by loading
later in the startup process only if it is needed, rather than loading statically. For example, Vserver.vxd
might not be needed when you start a laptop computer while the laptop computer is out of
its docking station.
LoadFailed = vshare
If you examine the Bootlog.txt file, the file indicates that Vshare loaded
successfully earlier in the startup process. The second copy of Vshare
detects the instance of Vshare that is already loaded, and the second copy is not loaded.
Font Failures
After you first start Windows, the Bootlog.txt file may list many
font load failures. This behavior is typical. When Font Manager
searches the hard disk for fonts, it may find fonts in several folders.
After Font Manager finds fonts, it records the information so that future attempts
to locate a font proceed more quickly.
InitCompleteFailed = SDVXD
Windows automatically loads a miniature disk cache to increase the
speed of the startup process. When the startup process is complete, the
miniature disk cache is unloaded from memory. When the cache is unloaded, the
"InitCompleteFailed = SDVXD" line is added to the Bootlog.txt file to indicate that the miniature
disk cache has been removed from memory. This behavior is typical.
SysCritInitFailed = JAVASUP
If the Java support driver is not needed on your computer, the driver is not
loaded. Java is a programming language that is used on the World Wide Web (WWW).
Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 3.0 and later include a Java
DeviceInitFailed = MTRR
Memory Type Range Registers (MTRR) is a .vxd file that is responsible for
manipulating memory ranges. This file is loaded with DirectX 5.0;
however, none of the DirectX core components use the service that is provided
by MTRR. The Ntkern file and some video adapter drivers do use the service that is
provided by MTRR to change memory ranges.