You access a mailbox by using Outlook Web Access (OWA) in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 environment. When you use the Italian version of the spelling checker in an email message, you may receive the following error message:�
Outlook Web Access encountered an unexpected error and was unable to handle your request.
Additionally, the error report displays as follows:�
<DIV id=debugInfo><BR>
Url: <SPAN id=requestUrl>https://xxxx:443/owa/ev.owa?oeh=1&ns=SpellChecker&ev=SpellCheck</SPAN><BR>
User host address: <SPAN id=userHostAddress>,IP Address></SPAN><BR>
User: <SPAN id=userName>xxxx</SPAN><BR>
EX Address: <SPAN id=exAddress>/o=ORG/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=xxxx</SPAN><BR>
SMTP Address: <SPAN id=smtpAddress></SPAN><BR>
OWA version: <SPAN id=owaVersion></SPAN><BR>
Mailbox server: <SPAN id=mailboxServer></SPAN><BR><BR>
Exception type: <SPAN id=exceptionType>System.AccessViolationException</SPAN><BR>
Exception message: <SPAN id=exceptionMessage>Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.</SPAN><BR><BR><B>Call stack</B><BR>
<DIV id=exceptionCallStack>
<DIV noWrap>Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.SpellChecker.Worker.OSC_SpellCheck(SafeSpellcheckerHandle handle, String text, Int32 locale, Boolean nativeNlgLanguage, Boolean preReform, Boolean ignoreAllCaps, Boolean ignoreMixedDigits, CallbackDelegateInternal callback) </DIV>
<DIV noWrap>Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.SpellChecker.Worker.SpellCheck(SpellCheckerQuery query) </DIV>
<DIV noWrap>Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.SpellChecker.SpellCheck(SpellCheckerQuery query)
When this problem occurs, the
W3wp.exe process crashes on the Exchange Server 2007 Client Access server together with an access violation error. Additionally, the following event is logged on the server:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchange Common
Event Category: General
Event ID: 4999
Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12IIS, c-RTL-AMD64, <version>, OWA, unknown, M.E.C.O.C.S.Worker.OSC_SpellCheck, System.AccessViolationException, 1c0d, unknown. ErrorReportingEnabled: True