This issue occurs when the Exchange 2007 server responds to a FETCH (bodystructure) request. The response message does not contain a Content-Transfer-Encoding field in the MIME header of each body part of the message. When this field is missing, the Exchange 2007 server sets the
body-fld-enc parameter of the Content-Transfer-Encoding field to the NIL value. However, according to RFC 3501, this parameter should be set to 7BIT value. According to RFC 3501, the
body-fld-enc parameter may only contain the following string values
- 7BIT
- 8BIT
- BASE64
If the
body-fld-enc parameter contains the NIL value, some IMAP4 clients might exhibit unexpected behavior when they receive such a response from the Exchange 2007 server.
For more information about the Content-Transfer-Encoding field and the
body-fld-enc parameter, visit the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to review the following RFCs: